Magical Midlife Alliance – Leveling Up Read Online K.F. Breene

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 128061 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 427(@300wpm)

“You mentioned that you’ve never tested shifters through a wall. You watched me for some time.”

“I happened upon you in the billiard room. Before I could find a way in, you left for that empty room. Didn’t stay long there, so I followed you to the art room.”

“Where you snuck up with a knife in your hand…”

“You let me sneak up with a knife in my hand.”

He stopped, turned, climbed two steps, and then used one arm to cradle her and the other to reach forward. He must’ve found a latch or something, because fresh, sweet air rushed toward her, bringing with it moonlight and stars.

“Light,” she said softly, smiling as he stepped out onto the little ledge he’d somehow seen from the grounds even though it would take some looking to locate it. It was basically a little flat spot amid the sloping and rising of the roof, right on the edge by the gutter. “You’re casing the joint.”

“Come again?”

“I’m going to refrain from making a dirty joke just now and repeat myself. You’re checking the place out to identify entrance points for a raid.”

He set her down and stepped back, finally giving her space. She couldn’t help but notice that his smell clung to her—a woodsy scent with hints of amber, all wrapped up in a mouthwatering cologne, and annoyingly intoxicating.

“I’m not at liberty to divulge the plans of the cairn at this time,” he said elegantly and with a wicked little grin.

“That was a very long yes. Nathanial figured as much. That’s why he had Jessie openly challenge Mr. Gimerel.”

He nodded, as though he’d expected as much.

“In the art room, I walked outside of your striking range without pulling my knife.”

“You weren’t outside of my striking range, but go on. Why did you angle around me and venture closer?”

“Wow. So you knew I was there the whole time. I literally could not tell, and I was watching.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall of the house. “I felt you through a wall. Why would you think I couldn’t feel you in a room where you were much, much closer?”

She held out her hands. “I don’t know—I thought maybe Ivy House tattled on me or something.” A crease formed between his brows. “Anyway, it didn’t really matter. Sure, maybe you’d felt me, but you weren’t supposed to be able to see or hear me. I figured you wouldn’t have an exact location to strike, so I could run out before you got me. Theoretically.”

“Solid plan.” That returning grin said he was mocking her. “So why did you walk closer and take out a knife?” The grin dwindled. “Were you planning to rip out my heart?”

She braced her hands on her hips and just stared at him. “Are you dumb or something?”

The bland look turned into one of surprise. A smile budded. “Come— What was that?”

“I could still turn that into a dirty joke. Rip out your heart? Look at the size of you! With such a small knife and my muscle strength—or lack thereof—I wouldn’t even be able to get to your heart. Look at your pecs—they’re enormous. I’d have to, like, sit on your chest and use all my body weight. If you were defending yourself, I wouldn’t even get a chance to land a single strike. And if I did land it? Well, Mr. Wizard, then I’d probably get brained before you lost consciousness. You’d pull out the knife, likely heal before bleeding out, and if you hadn’t already killed me, you’d do it then. There are a lot of ways to die in this world, and attempting to stab you in the heart is very likely one of the faster ones. Now, I would attempt to stab you in the kidney if I absolutely had to. Neck is better, but you’re tall. Eye is great, but it’s a small target, and I’d likely miss because you are very fast. Inhumanly fast. Best-case scenario, though, I’d just run away. That’s assuming you’re limping or something and can’t chase me at full speed. I’m sure you’re faster.” She paused for a moment. “You know what, after I’ve thought it all through, it would probably just be easier to lie down and die. At least I’d get to stare at a pretty face before the end, huh?”

He looked both bemused and entertained. “Fine. Why did you walk closer and take out a knife?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Obviously it is not.”

“Because I was entering striking distance, and just in case you sprang, I wanted defense.”

He leaned forward just slightly, making a show of staring at her. “Why-did-you-enter-striking-distance?”

She was trying to evade answering that one. Given she was on a ledge three stories up and apparently no one was coming for her, she decided the truth was probably her best bet. It might even stroke his ego enough that he’d free her.


