Magical Midlife Alliance – Leveling Up Read Online K.F. Breene

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 128061 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 427(@300wpm)

“Wait, what?” She turned toward him, her gut tightening. “So soon? When did they say that?”

“She got the note this morning, I guess. Austin Steele is going to clear out his nicest restaurant for it.”

Her mind whirled. Their whole plan was predicated on the gargoyles being here for the attack. That was the whole point of the attack, to show those bastards some proof of her awesomeness! The raid hadn’t cut it. The house had had a big part in that. It was a watered-down version of the real thing. They needed to show Jessie was a badass without a magical house for backup. More importantly, those gargoyles needed to fight with her, not against her.

“When did they say they were leaving?” Nessa asked, trying to tone her reaction down. He couldn’t know she was worked up because then, when the truth came out, he’d realize she’d known something. Austin Steele would skin them alive if he found out.

“A few days, I think. The Gimerel leader is feeling the sting of that lost raid.” Jasper smiled with pride. “We spanked them.”

“But…” She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Didn’t they buy houses here? It sounded like they planned on staying for a while.”

He laughed as he shook his head. “Missed that in your digging, huh? Cairn leaders always talk a big game. I guess they didn’t buy anything. They’re short-term renting. Sounds like they offered the owners an arm and a leg to stay there for a while. First Gimerel did, and then the others caught on and did the same. The houses will still sell, and in the meantime the owners get a nice little paid vacation.”

She barely stopped from swearing under her breath. Yes, she had missed that in her digging, mostly because she’d been focused on a dozen other things, and their living situation hadn’t been a top priority.

This whole situation was slanting left—her fragile house of cards about to tumble down.

Ulric came out of the house, back to wearing his bright shirts and crazy pants, with blue and pink spiky hair.

“I can see Gimerel licking his wounds and taking off, but the others?” she asked. “Why would they leave so soon? Mr. Porsche was planning on checking out Austin’s fast car. He seemed in no rush to take off. The raid had nothing to do with him.”

A smile spread across Ulric’s face. “Nelson thought he’d show up with his enormous lead enforcer, make a mockery of Jessie with his raid, and then hang around a while with his bracelet to gloat—”

“The bracelet that’s been sitting on a table in the sitting room like a paperweight.” Jasper started laughing. “No velvet pillow, no glass case—just taken off, dropped onto a table, and walked away from.”

“Yeah. Insult to injury, right?” Ulric started chuckling too. “Then the leader…” His chuckling turned into laughter. “The leader spent the after-party running through the walls, screaming.” He bent over, guffawing now.

“That dude’s ego has got to be crushed.” Jasper shook his head, still laughing. “I’d get the hell out of here too.”

“Especially after my mom posted a video of it.” Ulric wiped his eyes. “She tried to play innocent. Like she didn’t know he was running around screaming in the background while Cyra and Hollace had a casual chat.”

There had been two ends to the raid. The first was when Tristan and the rest of the guardians had risen into the sky, roared their defeat, and attempted to get their leader back so they could skulk off.

But Jessie hadn’t wanted him rescued so early.

In a move that had apparently shocked the raiding guardians, she’d shepherded them into the house and provided food and refreshments. There’d been no gloating. No smug exhibition of the bracelet. No indication of any kind that they’d just been through a vicious battle. Just a fun little party at the leader’s expense as Ivy House tormented him within her walls.

At one point, Jessie had sought Tristan out. “I know what that bracelet means to your cairn. You know where it is. The raid is still technically on, so you’re welcome to it if you want it.”

“No…miss,” Tristan had replied. “The raid ended when my guardians yielded. If anything is taken from this house, no matter by whom, I will ensure it is returned to you.”

“She embarrassed one of them, fine,” Nessa said, thinking over the situation with rising panic. “What about the others? You’d think someone would turn up to offer her congratulations.”

“And piss off Gimerel?” Ulric gave her an exaggerated look, basically saying she was being absurd. “She’s an unknown. A powerful unknown, but still an unknown. They won’t want him thinking they’re showing any kind of allegiance to her. They’ll all give her space for now and then hopefully try to establish a friendship or some sort of shaky truce on the down-low. She just needs time, I think.”


