Luna – Hermerta Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14503 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)

“I am Wictor Zielinska of Polska.” I gasp and that is when he turns to look at me. His eyes have a look of shock and then he looks defeated.

“Nice to meet you Wictor.” Giulia says this all while staring at me and I can’t help it. My body is flush with the memories of all the ways he has taken me and given me pleasure with just one look so I know what she is seeing. The look on his face tells me he does as well. “Well gentlemen, should we get started.” Her gaze is still on me. I can feel it even though I am not looking at her. Giulia has a way of letting you know she knows without saying a word. Silently I sit down at the table and pray to get through this in one piece. Except when I finally look up, they are both staring at me. Well shit. This is fucked in more ways than one.




I don’t know whether to be pissed or happy to see. Okay, I'm both. I mean I know I have no right to be pissed she didn’t know who I was either. I think it is more about the fact that this has now become one hundred times more complicated, and I don’t know that she can handle it.

“Claus, you called this meeting.” Giulia gets right to the point looking a bit bored. I came in here with admiration for her reputation and so far she is not proving me wrong. Claus’s face is red because I figure he is not used to being addressed as a non-factor.

“Yes.” he chokes out trying to take the chauvinistic tone out of his expression. “I wanted to negotiate an agreement of sorts.”

“What kind of agreement?” she asks. I sit closer to the table because I am interested to know as well, especially since I don't know what it has to do with me.

“I would like to import my goods through your dock and give you a cut of the profit.” She is still looking at her phone which is further pissing him off, which I suspect is the point. Finally she puts it down and looks at him.

“What would these goods be?” he scoffs. He obviously didn’t expect her to ask but that is ridiculous. Well I guess it isn’t when you are a pig like him. He has no respect for women and doesn't believe the rumors.

“I don’t see what business…” he barely finishes the statement before she stands and cuts him off.

“The answer is no.” She turns toward the door and her people begin moving in place when Claus calls out. She turns but doesn’t sit.”

“Crates of merchandise.” she appears to think it over, but I know what she is going to say.

“What is the nature of the merchandise?” Claus’s hands ball up and unball as he tries to control his temper. I need to diffuse the situation, at least for a moment so I ask my question.

“Giulia if I may?” She nods her head taking a seat once more.

“I would like to know what this has to do with Pruszkow?” he looks at me and smirks.

“Ah that is easy. Everyone knows your organization is merely a flick of dust now. My intel says it is you, your brother and maybe ten other men. You cannot run a city, not a territory with that amount of people. I would like to offer you a place with my organization.” Is he serious?

“And what is it you want?” I am not in any way considering this, but I want to see what he is thinking so I can gauge what kind of problem he is going to be when I turn him down.

“That is simple. I want your supplier for the alcohol and your clubs.” I figured. I plan on giving him neither and as we speak the club is being cleared out and the women given new identities and relocated. My uncle was a pig, and he treated those women as such. However, I am going to tell him that.

“I see. Give me time to think it over.” he nods, smirking at me like he knows it is a foregone conclusion.

“Now if we are done with that answer my question. What is the merchandise?” Giulia jumps right back in. Claus is obviously offended at her question and if I had to guess her obvious dismissal of his failure to answer her. He slams his hand on the table, and I respect that she doesn’t flinch an inch.

“I don’t answer to some cunt…” The man that is with him moves closer to the table like he is going to do something. Everyone that came in with her stands ready to pounce including my woman which is fucked because if he touches one hair on her head I will fucking end him.


