Lucky Dr and the Rockstar Next Door Read Online Piper Sullivan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27528 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 138(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

By the time the knock sounded on my door, my stomach growled louder than the television, and I rushed to get my late-night dinner. “Thanks.” I shut the door and hurried to the kitchen, eager to get a slice of cheese and veggie pizza into my belly. But it wasn’t cheese and veggie; it was a meat lover's pizza. With wings, not salad. “Oh come on!”

I grabbed the receipt taped to the box and groaned at the name, Mac and the address was next door’s, which had to be a mistake because the house next door was empty.

I stared at the pizza for far too long, contemplating just eating it anyway, when there was another knock on the door.

I hurried back to the front door, hoping the delivery driver realized his mistake. Except it wasn’t the pizza delivery kid; it was the gorgeous rock star from earlier.

“Oh, um, what are you doing here?” I looked down at my moon and star pajama shorts that showed off thighs that were a little too thick, and the shirt revealed nearly perfect cleavage and a strip of belly that reminded me that I needed to drop a few pounds.

“Imagine my surprise when I opened my meat lover’s pizza to find cheese pizza. And salad.” His mouth parted into a panty-melting grin. “And to find out that my new neighbor is the hot ER doctor from earlier.”

Hot? Surely not. I was cute, some days pretty, but never, ever hot. Lancaster was my new neighbor. How was that possible? “You rented the house next door.” It wasn’t a question.

“I did.” When I didn’t respond, he frowned. “Did you already eat my pizza and wings?”

I laughed and shook my head before I stepped back and invited him in. “No, but I was seriously contemplating it when you knocked on the door.” There was no point in pretending I was one of those women who didn’t eat when my body clearly showed that I did.

“Then I showed up at the perfect time.” His voice sounded behind me, too close, and I suppressed a shiver.

As soon as we were in the kitchen, Mac dove for a slice of pizza.

I watched him in awe, not because he was famous, but because he was so easy on the eyes that it was impossible to look away. His jeans hung low on his lean hips, and his t-shirt gripped his biceps and hugged the abs he clearly worked hard for. Or maybe it was genetics. “You don’t eat like that all the time, do you?” If he did, I might have to hate him on principle.

His eyes danced, and his mouth parted in a grin while he chewed his pizza. “Not always, but my tour just ended, so I’m technically off the clock.” He grabbed another slice. “And pizza is literally the perfect food.”

“Agreed.” The scent of pizza hit my nose, and I moved toward the countertop and opened my box. “You can stay if you want.”

His expression brightened. “I’d love to.”

I grabbed another glass and the bottle of wine before I took a seat at the small kitchen table. It was surreal, eating dinner with Lancaster, who I now knew as Mac. It was uncomfortable, and I felt self-conscious but too hungry to stop eating. Still, I couldn’t just sit here without saying anything. Right? Of course not, that would be weird, Kayla. Right. Weird. “How was the tour?”

He brightened again. “It was amazing, thanks. To hear people singing my lyrics all over the world? Such a rush.”

“I can’t even imagine.” The way he lit up when he spoke about it was really endearing. And sexy. “Was this your first world tour?”

I flashed a fake pout. “Are you saying you’re not a fan?”

I laughed. “I’m a fan. I love your music, but I’ve been busy the past few years, so I just listen to your music, not follow you on Instagram.”

“That only makes me like you more.”

I felt my cheeks blush, and I cursed my skin for not being darker.

“You can ask me.”

I frowned. “Ask you what?”

“Whatever it is that you want to ask.” His tone and expression were both guarded, as if he thought I might ask something too intimate.

I shrugged and kept my gaze on his. “Nothing in particular, honestly; mostly I’m just adjusting to having you here in my space. That’s all.” And the effect his body was having on me.

“I know what you mean,” he laughed and opened the box of wings. “I didn’t know they made doctors this hot outside of a Hollywood set.”

Another blush crept up—dammit. “You’re more charming than I expected you to be, especially considering that face.” Oh my god, did I seriously just say that?

Mac’s brows shot up. “You like my face?”

Hell yes, can I sit on it? I shrugged casually. “It’s a really nice face, and we both know it,” I answered, rolling my eyes. “Fishing for compliments?”


