Loving The Enemy Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 55093 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 275(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 184(@300wpm)

“That feeling like you’re drowning, like you don’t know who you are anymore, and someone else is the most important thing in your life. Like you need them more than air.” He flipped the page like we were having just your average everyday conversation. Then another thought hit me and jealousy once again raised its ugly head.

“Have you felt this before?” The words came out much softer than I’d intended, barely above a whisper. He turned and looked me in the eye this time. “First time; good to know I’m not doing it alone. Come.” He used my hand to pull me up from my chair and bring me over to his lap. Once settled he wrapped his arms around me and we both sat and looked out at the Hollywood Hills, his newspaper forgotten.



He’s the most hardheaded, unfeeling jackass there ever was. How can one man be such a monumental pain in the ass? It’s been three days and I still haven’t been home. I told him I needed to go check on mother but he refused to let me leave. “You can’t coddle her Emily, she’s a grown woman who like you had a hard knock, but treating her like a child isn’t gonna help.”

We argued about that, well I argued, he pretended to listen and still wouldn’t let me leave. At least he let me call to see if she was still alive. When I tried bringing it up throughout the day, he’d take me to bed until I was too tired to think and I just stopped even mentioning it.

I didn’t have anything to wear, so spent those days in one or the other of his shirts. We didn’t leave the house and he’d barely allowed me five minutes to talk to Simone when I returned her call, after he threatened her of course with what he’d do to her if she ever got me into trouble again. They had some kind of whispered exchange which I couldn’t hear, but when he gave me back the phone she was laughing her ass off and refused to tell me what was said.

Now it’s Monday again and he has no choice but to go back to work and I needed to go home if only for a change of clothes. He was in a bad mood all morning as we got dressed to leave the house. Me in one of his large shirts that covered my thighs almost to my knees, with one of his belts tied around my middle. I rolled my eyes for the one hundredth time at his craziness.

“What do you think is going to happen? You have to go to the office, and I need clothes.”

“I want you here.” And you must always have your way. I didn’t say it out loud but it was evident from the weekend we’d just shared that he didn’t like the word ‘no’.

I’d tried more than once to leave, not because I wanted to, but because I really did want to check on mom and at least get a change of underwear. No dice. The first time I tried, he tackled me at the door and took me right there on my hands and knees, my head butting into the door each time he slammed into me.

Then he dragged me back to bed and did it all over again. In fact, of the last seventy two hours I think we spent maybe fifty having sex, or so it seemed. I’m not complaining, it’s amazing, and there wasn’t one time he reached for me that I wasn’t right there with him, and once I got over my shyness I did some of that reaching myself, but the feelings were almost too overwhelming. I was afraid that if I didn’t leave his sight soon, didn’t find some time to regroup, that I will totally and completely lose myself in him. The thought terrified me.

Then when he dropped me off at my house and took forever to say goodbye I was the one with tears in my eyes as I watched him disappear down the driveway. I needed to pull myself together and fast. How had we gone from zero to sixty this quick? I don’t think even Simone expected this outcome when she set things in motion. Not quite so soon at least.

After checking on mother and making sure she was okay, I retreated to my room after a long hot soak. Not even my bath felt the same without him there to take care of me. I missed him horribly and he hadn’t been gone that long. By the time Simone showed up I was a mess.

“Well damn you’re alive. I thought I was going to have to call out the national guard.” Just then the doorbell rang again and I opened it to a mountain of flowers with legs. Well that’s what it looked like at first glance. They were lavender roses, very rare and my favorites. Something I’d mentioned to him during one of our nightly talks over the long weekend. The delivery guy refused the offered tip as the sender had taken care of everything. I closed the door in shock and headed upstairs to my room with Simone hot on my heels.


