Loving The Enemy Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 55093 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 275(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 184(@300wpm)

I was under the dryer when I realized that what he offered was so much more than a paycheck. If he was going to clothe me, feed me and take care of all my beautification needs, what was so different from the way I lived when daddy was alive. My ‘allowance’ was almost nine grand extra to boot. This was too good to be true. At the back of my mind though, was the elephant in the room.

I’m not too green to know that no man in his right mind would do all this unless he was after something. I’d already established that he wasn’t hatching a plot to cheat me out of everything I thought I owned, so there could be only one reason why he was doing all this. Pussy!

Well I have news for him. He wouldn’t be the first to try to get me into his bed, some with horrific results. I’ve fought off my share of baboons over the years. From the time I had breasts at fifteen to be exact. Though he came off as too cool for such behavior, it was hard to miss that underlying core of steel he wore so well beneath respectable thousand dollar suits.

Simone gave me a final once over as she circled me pushing and prodding until she was satisfied with my look. The black silk clung slightly in all the right places, flowing from my hips to just above my knees, giving just a teasing hint of cleavage.

My legs were nicely tanned, my calves deftly defined beneath my tight skin from the hours spent on the treadmill. My ass stuck out like a homing beacon for every perv in the Western hemisphere. “I wish I could work off half my ass.” I knew I’d get her usual lecture and that’s exactly what I needed to take my mind off of the coming evening.



I tapped my finger against my knee as the car pulled into her driveway. The bowtie of my tux chafed around my neck but I’d resolved myself to keeping it on at least half the night. I stepped out onto the circular driveway looking down on the city of Los Angeles just as the sun was going down. The horizon was a riot of color that somehow added to the evening’s promise.

I rang the bell and waited, suddenly ravenous for the sight of her.

“Well damn.” I had to reset when someone else answered the door. The dark skinned face looked familiar and though I couldn’t place her I knew she was one of her friends, part of her jet-setting crowd. The way she looked me up and down made my lips twitch and I knew right away that she was one of those precocious people that you just can’t help but to love.

“Hello. And you are?” I moved forward as she opened the door farther to let me in. I heard it close behind me and turned back to her. Emily was nowhere in sight and I got myself ready to go find her ass if she’d sent her friend to give me the brush-off.

“Simone Bastille at your service.” She held out her hand as her dimples winked at me. Oho, I knew who she was of course. Her old man was richer than Croesus. Everybody who was anybody knew the name well. “Hello Simone, Jason Storm pleased to meet you.” I dropped her hand and looked around for Emily.

It wasn’t hard to see her game when she walked around in front of me moving her ass like a woman on the prowl. If she wanted to catch me in her web she should’ve hidden the laughter in her eyes before I caught it. I hid my own smile as I followed her into the living room. “Where’s Emily?” I watched her every move as she took a seat while I remained standing.

I could’ve called her out on her game but thought I’d see how far she’d go. “She’ll be down in a minute. So, Mr. Storm, I hear you’re new to our little town. How do you like us so far?” She leaned her head to the side in that way some men find sexy, a little flirtatious, and a lot come hither.

“I’m getting to like it more and more.” I’ll just have to beat her at her own game. She was pretty enough, and I’m sure some day she’d give some lucky guy a run for his money, but I was all gone over her friend. “Oh really, and what is it that you’ve come to like so much about our quaint little town?” She was pulling out all the stops, doing everything to draw my attention to her legs, her breasts and her thighs.

She succeeded in doing only one thing, showing me how deeply invested I was in getting Emily into my bed. A month ago I would’ve had her naked and begging to be fucked. Now, I couldn’t even drum up the slightest bit of interest. “I’ll have to say that would be Emily. Until I met her I couldn’t figure out what all the uproar was about.” Make of that what you will.


