Love at The Bluebird Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

“She’ll behave herself, Gavin. I’ll make sure of it.”

“I’m sorry, but no,” I tell him firmly, trying to still sound respectful when all I feel is disgust for him right now.

“The lease on your apartment is just about up. How about we sign a new lease and I’ll pay for the next year upfront?”

I can see the steel look of determination in his eyes, and it makes me more than ready to fight back.

“Thank you, but I’m currently looking for a new place to live. Something bigger.” That’s only half-true. I want to get out of my place, because I don’t want him to have anything else over my head. I’ve practically moved in with Aly since the night of the hockey game. While I like her place a lot, I would prefer us to find something more secure and bigger. Something we can call “ours” together.

“We can move you into one of the penthouses. I personally know there’s one vacant right now.”

I shake my head at him. “No, thank you.”

“I’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars on top of your normal rate and royalties.”

My jaw clenches in anger that this man thinks I have no morals or respect for my girlfriend by accepting his bribes.

“The answer is still fucking no,” I growl and push back from the table, tired of this conversation. Placing both my fists on the table, I lean into it so he can see I’m not playing his games. “I can’t be bought, Atticus.”

“Everyone can be bought, Gavin.” He slithers out of his chair and stands. “Don’t make any rash decisions right now. Sleep on it—you have too much at stake to make the wrong decision.”

What the fuck does that mean? “Are you threatening me?”

“I look forward to hearing from you soon, Gavin.” He doesn’t respond to my question and instead turns around and walks out of the conference room.

Right then and there, I know this will be the only album I ever make with Charisma records.


“He’s got you by the balls, man,” Scotty Wilkins says with a shake of his head. He knew as soon as I walked into the studio that something was wrong by my demeanor, and I couldn’t help but vent to him about it, since he knows firsthand exactly what happens behind closed doors in this industry.

“Do you really think so? I’ve built up a solid reputation as a songwriter without him,” I point out, since I’ve been in Nashville longer than I’ve been signed with Charisma.

“True, but look at his catalog of musicians. He’s got some big ones.”

“I don’t need him to land a big fish. Been there, done that already.” My hard work, talent, and reputation got me working with a couple of big names in country music. Word of mouth is still the number-one best way of getting your name out there.

“Atticus Langston still runs this town and until you’re just as powerful as he is, I wouldn’t piss him off.” He shakes his head. “I would take his offer and just make sure you always have other people in the room with you and Tori.”

“I need to talk to Aly first. I’m not taking the job without her blessing.” I will not jeopardize my relationship for money. If Aly doesn’t want me to accept it, then I won’t do it. “Even if Aly says yes, I still don’t like the idea of being in the same room with Tori, let alone having to work with her again.”

“It’s just business, Gavin. Leave the past in the past and just act professional.”

I know Scotty’s right and I can be professional while working with Tori, but her behavior has proved she’s not to be trusted.

“How do you like being with Big Little Music?” I ask out of curiosity. I’ve only heard good things so far from other artists, but I know Scotty would tell me straight his honest opinion about them.

“They’ve been very good to me, but I would count them out if you’re thinking about signing with them after your contract with Charisma is up.”


“Because they have a very strict policy of no interoffice dating, which includes the talent.”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise that he even knows about this rule. “I’m shocked you actually read the employee manual,” I tease, because I still haven’t read the rules at Charisma yet. Scotty doesn’t seem the type to follow the rules anyway.

“I didn’t. I slept with one of the assistants and she got fired. So yeah, they take that shit seriously over there.”

“Ouch. You’re a fucking asshole.”

“I did feel like an asshole. Fortunately, she was able to get another job right away.”

“Do you think that rule would apply to Aly and me? If I ever did sign with Big Little Music, that is.”

He thinks about it for a few moments before answering. “It might not since you would have an established relationship already. They wouldn’t assign her to you though, since that would be a conflict of interest.”


