Lost Love Read Online Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cowboys & Angels Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99283 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 496(@200wpm)___ 397(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

I laughed.

We were soon back at the house, changed, and sitting on the sofa eating popcorn and watching the movie Paxton said we had to make a family tradition each Christmas Eve. I couldn’t believe how fucking happy I was. As much as I wanted to sink myself into my wife and stay lost in her all night, this felt perfect.

Chloe sat in the middle, entranced with the movie. She had asked earlier if Paxton was going to sleep in my room with me and a part of me was bothered we had been lying to her. We told her yes, and she smiled big and stated that we were now officially a real family. I didn’t want to ask why she felt like Paxton sleeping in the same room meant we were a family. I was going to ignore it. Ignorance was blissful.

When it was time to put her to bed so Santa could come, Paxton tucked her in like she had been doing the last few weeks, while I turned on her nightlight and grabbed her favorite doll and stuffed animal.

Our normal routine had changed a bit when Paxton moved in. I used to be the one to tuck her in. That job was given to her new mommy. Which I was fine with. Then it was prayers, a small story with her doll and giraffe and then lights out.

“Ready for prayers?” Paxton asked while kissing Chloe on the forehead.


Closing her eyes, Chloe started her prayers, which were exactly the same every night…with a few changes when need be.

“Please bless my teacher Paxton. Please bless all my friends. Please bless, Sam, Bill, Lady, Allure, Marley, Little Bill, Harley, Chip, Milo, Buddy, all the goats especially Patches cause he’s my goat granddaddy gave me, and all the cows and all the wildlife in the whole wide world. Please bless my Grammy and Granddaddy and my new Gran and Pops. That’s what they want to be called ‘cause I asked them and tonight I can officially call ‘em that.”

My eyes lifted to Paxton’s. We both smiled, and she quickly wiped a tear away.

“Please bless all my aunts and uncles. There’s too many to name.”

That part always made me laugh since she pretty much just named four horses, two cats, and two dogs along with half the damn ranch animals in her prayers.

“And please bless Daddy and my new mommy. It’s Paxton, God. I know that might confuse you ‘cause she’s my teacher too.”

My heart felt light. A happiness so overwhelming hit me in the chest that I had to force myself not to cry. One look at Paxton told me she felt the same way.

“And one more thing God. Please bring me a baby brother or sister. Amen.”

Paxton and I glanced over at each other, and she smiled. We had already talked about telling Chloe first before announcing it to the whole family tomorrow. It would make it more special for Chloe, Paxton had said.

I leaned over and kissed my daughter’s cheek. “Pumpkin, God has already answered your prayer.”

With a look of wonderment, she asked, “Which one, Daddy?”

Peeking over to Paxton, she took Chloe’s hand and put it on her stomach. “I’ve got a baby growing in my tummy, Chloe Cat. A little baby brother or sister.”

Chloe sat up. She had been so emotional when we announced we were getting married, I wasn’t sure what she would do with this news. Her eyes filled with tears, and I held my breath. I hated seeing her cry.

“Is it true? Daddy, is it true Mommy has my baby brother in there?”

I nodded. “It is. Does that make you happy?”

She jumped up and threw her arms around me. “Thank you for bringing us home, Daddy. Thank you!”

I held her tightly and squeezed my eyes. “Oh, baby. I love you.”

When she pulled back, her tears were streaming. “I love you too.”

She turned to Paxton and wrapped her little arms around her neck.

“I love you so much, Mommy! Thank you for loving me and giving me a baby brother! Thank you so…much.”

Chloe was now sobbing and so was Paxton. Each of them held onto each other as if their lives depended on it.

“Oh, Chloe Cat. I love you so much too!”

When my girls finally stopped crying, Chloe climbed back under the covers, folded her hands in prayer and smiled. “P.S. Dear God, thank you for going so fast on the baby brother. And thank you for helping Daddy find my mommy. He’d been looking a long time. His eyes aren’t sad anymore thanks to Mommy’s love.”

Air rushed into my lungs. I stared at Chloe as she took her doll and stuffed goat and snuggled with them. “I better get to sleep or Santa won’t come.”

Paxton and I slowly stood. Both of us in a silent shock. I was positive that had affected Paxton as much as it did me.


