Lost In Seoul – My Summer In Seoul Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82271 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

He can’t stop staring at himself. I can only imagine the kind of face he’s making behind the mask. It can’t be good. If his voice is any indication, I know the look must be one filled with horror. Same. Just. Same.

”I’m going to stay here for a second, if you don’t mind.” He exhales heavily.

“Why is that?” Lucas goads him on, even though we both know why he doesn’t want to leave the room.

“Look at me,” his voice chokes in horror. “Have you ever seen anything so ridiculous?”

Lucas cocks his head to the side like he’s really thinking about it, then shakes his head a firm no.

It’s a no for me too.

“I thought Sookie’s bow was bad…” he finally admits.

“I’m too embarrassed to walk outside and see actual humans,” Eric whispers as he lowers his head. “I’m going to sit here for a while.”

“I would suggest not looking in the mirror,” Lucas responds enthusiastically.

“I think you’re right,” Eric agrees.

Lucas nods. “Good choice. Try and look at the bright side of things. At t least they didn’t wrap you up like a last minute Christmas present and slap a bow on your face.”

I point at the bow. “It could quite literally be worse, Tumnas.”

“It’s Eric.”

“He knows.” Lucas takes another sip of water and shakes his head. “I must say that after looking at the two of you, I have never been more thankful for having had a scandal and a girlfriend, and being unable to be on live tv in my entire life. God blessed me.”

“You’re definitely winning,” I nod my head in agreement.

”I can’t wait to see the other costumes,” he shakes his head then saunters over to one of the chairs and sits down. He stares at us evenly.

“As if this couldn’t get any worse, I have some bad news for you guys.” Lucas admits.

My blood runs cold.

“How could this get any worse?”

“That’s not a question you should ever ask out loud,” Lucas warns me. “It’s like you’re testing the universe to just show you…”

“Fair,” I agree.

“So wait,” Eric shakes his Tumnas head rather dramatically. “How’s it getting worse?”

“Just got the script and looked it over, I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

“Why?” We say in unison. I can feel the sweat beginning to drip down my face.

Lucas sighs and leans against the back of the chair and crosses his arms.

“Are you going to tell us or are you going to continue to torture us?” Eric practically screams out.

“Well, here it is. Since our first episode is live, they’re throwing you under the bus and putting you in a haunted house.”

“Haunted house?” I ask.

“Yes, the girls pick who they want to date based on your costumes, which are also, drum roll, based off your own personal worst fears,” He looks over at Eric and shakes his head. “Might need to explain that one later.”

Clowns. Fuck. I hate clowns.

Eric hangs his horse head and starts to mumble incoherently. “It was the candy. She fed him candy and kidnapped the kid and he tried to save him and then the whole fire thing happened when he was luring him in like an actual sex trafficker with his flute—“

“—flutes can be quite,” I start talking only to see him jerk his body toward me. “Calming?”

“I played the flute and had to stop,” he admits in a small horse-like voice. I only say horse-like because his whole costume is definitely making him exude the vibe.

“Why did you stop?” Lucas asks curiously.

“I couldn’t play ever again because it always felt like I was somehow conjuring the fire, the white witch and hypnotizing people.” Eric admits.

Talk about childhood trauma manifesting itself into some real life shit. Who know Narnia could do this to kids at home?

“So you chose singing?” Lucas asks as he tries to hide his smile.

Eric just stares at him with his full on horse face costume. “I was recruited because of my face, you jackass.”

“And what a very long face you have.” I try and joke, make the kid feel better. But his story is pretty interesting? I don’t know if that’s the word I’d use… but something close.

He jerks his head back in my direction. “I wouldn’t get too excited there. You have a bow on.”


“Fair.” Lucas nods in agreement then looks over at me and admits. “Yeah that’s fair statement.”

“You’re an asshole,” I tell him.

“And you’re a clown.”

“Just wait until I take this clown suit off,” I warn him.

He holds his hands up like he’s afraid. “Will you keep the bow on?”

Tumnas aka Eric finds this comment hilarious. I hate him too. Absolutely feel no sympathy for him or that shit costume he’s wearing.

Tumnas, my ass…

Lucas rubs his hands together and stands up, “All right, it’s been fun. Honestly, so amusing and fulfilling in multiple ways. Like I’m happy with all of my life decisions now more than ever.”


