Lock Me Out – The Locked Duet Read Online Cassandra Hallman

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 95453 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

“Just now? No, I don’t. Because I don’t like it when people leave trash lying around,” she retorts, hands on her hips. “And you are most definitely trash.”

“Sorry you feel that way.” Because if there’s one thing I know she hates, it’s when I don’t react. That’s how bullies function. Taking away the reaction they’re looking for is like taking away their oxygen. With a sigh, I turn back to my phone, trembling a little but pretending not to care.

“Everybody knows what you did.”

Those are the exact words my online bullies used the last time they sent a message. It takes every ounce of self-control to not react when, really, I want to scream. I want to jump off this bench and pull every strand of fake platinum hair out of her scalp. I might shove it down her throat while I’m at it.

“And exactly what did I do? Since you seem to know so much about me,” I reply without looking up. It’s actually a shame Piper isn’t here to see this. She would be proud of how casual I’m acting.

“Don’t be cute,” Deborah warns. “It doesn’t work for you. And you know exactly what I’m talking about, you little cunt. Where is Bradley?”

Is that what this is all about? Curiosity and surprise make me lift my gaze away from the phone and look at her for the first time. “How would I know where Bradley is? Seriously, why would I know that?”

“For starters, my brother was supposed to be hanging out with Nix the day of that so-called accident at your house.” Dennis drops his arm from around Deborah’s waist so he can fold both of them over his chest. I wish I could say I wasn’t intimidated.

“I heard he went away for the weekend and didn’t come back,” I reply with a shrug. What the hell is taking her so long in there? Knowing Piper, she’s making friends with at least three other women, talking about the movie while they wait in line, complimenting somebody’s lip gloss while they’re washing their hands.

“Yeah, that’s what everybody seems to think, and isn’t that convenient for you?” Dennis lifts his lip in a sneer that, no matter how I fight against it, makes my blood run cold. “Just like it’s convenient that the explosion was ruled an accident.”

“What the hell do you think you’re getting at?” I have to ask. “What, you think I’m some psycho mastermind who started an explosion in my own house while my mom and stepdad were in there? Or do you think I’m a stupid piece of trash?” I continue, glaring at Deborah. “Maybe you should make up your minds.”

“Maybe you should watch who you’re mouthing off to,” Dennis warns. His dark eyes are blank, empty as they stare holes into me. “There are all kinds of ways to get a person to admit the truth. Do you really want me to demonstrate them for you?”

It’s enough to make my blood run cold. Now I really wish I had gotten in line to go to the bathroom because my bladder suddenly feels too heavy. “Right here?” I ask, faking innocence. “With an audience?”

“Wherever and whenever the hell I want,” he replies, and his tone is chilling. Lowering his brow, he sneers, “You just wait and see. You’ll never know when it’s coming, but it is coming. So enjoy your life while you can.”

There’s no pretending that’s anything less than a threat. Standing slowly on trembling legs, I force myself to look him in the eye. Really, what I want to do is run away and hide, but then that’s what he wants, too. “You know, you really shouldn’t make threats like that, especially in public. People might get the wrong idea and think you’re serious, which I know you can’t be.”

“Is that what you think? Well, maybe it’s what you need to believe,” he replies. “And that’s fine. Doubt me all you want. I’m going to find out what the hell happened to my brother, what you and Colt did to him—I’m going to make you pay. Wait and see.”

“And there I was, thinking the only drama I’d see tonight was on the movie screen.” Piper couldn’t have picked a better time to show up, draping an arm around my shoulders before snorting. “You sound like a cheesy villain from an ’80s movie. Maybe you should start wearing polo shirts so you can pop the collar and really complete the look.”

“Fuck off,” Deborah sneers.

“What, your man can’t speak for himself?” Without waiting for a reply, Piper steers us away from them. “I would tell you to have a good night, but I really hope you don’t,” she calls out over her shoulder as we walk away while the two of them mutter under their breath.

“They’re insane,” I whisper as we cross the lobby, now much quieter than before since most people have left.


