Little Hoodlum Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 88080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

Me: One day it’ll be too late. Ryan will do something he can’t undo and Charlotte will suffer the consequences. I thought your dad was working on removing Ryan from her life. It’s taking too long.

He responds immediately.

Hollis: Thanks for letting me know. You’re a good friend, Roux.

I roll my eyes, hating how even Hollis blows me off. My phone pings.

Wes: You okay?

Glancing up, I find him watching me, his brows furrowed with worry. All weekend he tried to get me to meet up with him at the bookstore, but I spent Saturday and Sunday nursing Jordy after he got his ass beat by Renaldo. Roan was pissed when he’d seen how bad Jordy looked but did nothing in retaliation.

All this patience is not usually a Hoodlum virtue.

But here we are.

Not acting. Not reacting. Doing nothing.

I hate it, but it’s necessary because Renaldo is one evil sonofabitch.

Me: I’m fine.

Wes: You’re not fine. Stay after class and we’ll talk.

Me: Roan will be waiting to pick me up.

Wes: Tell him you have a ride.

His persistence is annoying today.

Me: I can’t. Sorry.

I look up to find Wes’s eyes. They flash with anger.

“I’ve decided since half of you failed last week’s quiz, I’ll do another one. This one is longer.” He tears his gaze from mine as he walks over to his desk. “It’s difficult, but you can use your book. Think of it as a pre-test. A sample of what the mid-term exam will look like.”

Anger swells up inside me.

Is he really giving us a test because I told him I couldn’t stay after?

Charlotte enters the room late and falls into her seat. Wes says something to me when he sets a test down on my desk, but I ignore him, watching her as she swipes a tear off her cheek. Seeing her hurting and deteriorating kills me. Wes doesn’t even bother giving Charlotte a test. Her head is already on her desk, her eyes closing.

Why won’t anyone do anything?

My phone buzzes in my hand.

Wes: Better tell Roan you’ll be late. We can do the test at Josie’s if you want.

Me: That was a dick move.

He doesn’t respond, simply crosses his arms over his chest and sits on the corner of his desk, his eyes pinning me. I let out a sigh of resignation and text my brother.

Me: I have to take a test after school. I’m sure I can catch a ride.

Roan: I’ll wait.

Me: You don’t have to.

Roan: I know.

Me: How’s Jordy?

Roan: Back at work. How are you?

Me: Fine.

Roan: Hollis told me about your text.

Me: They’re letting her fade into nothing.

Roan: They’re trying to get her away from him. Cuntingham’s dad is worse than him. Has the power to make everyone’s life a living hell. Plus, you know how Char is. If they forbid her to see him, she’ll find a way. Do something drastic. Just let Garrett do what he needs to do.

Me: What exactly is he doing?

Roan: That asshole can be likable apparently. Already super chummy with everyone who’s anyone in our shit town. He’s going to put pressure on Ryan’s dad. Work that angle.

Me: And if that doesn’t work?

Roan: Then Ryan’s going to get a good old-fashioned Hoodlum ass kicking.

Me: Thank God.

Roan: Good luck on your test. I’ll see you after.

I put away my phone to discover Wes blatantly glaring at me. He can be pissy all he wants. I’m pissy too. It was a dick move to force me to stay after with him.

The hour goes by in a hurry and before I know it, the bell is ringing. As soon as it does, Penny pushes into the classroom, her blond ponytail bouncing. Ryan is hot on her heels, his nostrils flaring. The asshole looks like he might want to push around Penny, but Penny isn’t some weak girl. She’d probably headbutt him or rip his balls off.

“Let’s go, sis,” Penny says, ignoring Ryan’s brooding presence behind her. “Hollis texted. We’re all meeting Daddy at his new office. He ordered pizza for dinner. Thought we could hang out as a family.”

This has Charlotte perking up, a rare smile on her face. “Really?”

“No,” Ryan barks out.

Penny swivels around, fury pulsating from her. “Nobody asked you, douchebag. Daddy’s on his way to pick us up.”

Ryan’s jaw clenches and he fists his hand like he might hit Penny, but she holds her own.

“Call me as soon as that shit is over,” Ryan orders Charlotte. “I’ll come get you.”

He storms out of the classroom. Penny shoots me a thankful smile before hooking her arm with Charlotte’s. The rest of the class has already bailed, so when they leave, Wes walks over to the door and closes it.

“Who were you texting?” he asks.

“My brother.” I scowl. “Why are you being an asshole?”

“Me?” he huffs out. “You’re clearly upset and need to talk. I know how you like to clam up. I’m just giving you a safe space to vent.”


