Listen, Pitch Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (There’s No Crying in Baseball #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: There's No Crying in Baseball Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 64352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

The suds swirled down the drain, and I lifted my other hand to wipe the bubbles off her forehead.

Then, while she wasn’t prepared, I dropped my mouth onto hers.

She gasped into my mouth, and I used the surprise to my advantage by allowing my tongue to sweep inside.

Her hand on my cock clenched, and I very nearly came right then and there.

The only thing that stopped me was the sting of shampoo in my eyes.

I didn’t stop to wash it out, nor did I care that the water was pouring down her face and into my open mouth. What I did care about was that it was happening to her, so I let her up to breathe.

Her eyes were wide and filled with lust, as they connected with mine.

Her breaths were coming in shallow pants.

“Can I have you?” I mouthed the words.

She nodded, then said one single word. “Yes.”

The next moment, I bent at the knees, hooked my arm around the back of her thighs, and picked her up.

Her legs wrapped around my hips, and I moved until her back was pressed against the cool tiled wall, and the water was running down my back.

She arched the moment that the cool tile met her back, her nipples rubbing deliciously against my skin.

I rolled my hips, dragging my thick cock against the lips of her sex.

She moaned and closed her eyes.

With her eyes closed, she could no longer read the words on my lips…but it didn’t matter. She’d given me her trust. She’d given me her, otherwise she would’ve never said yes. She would’ve never trusted me enough to look away. She would’ve been watching my every move.

The sheer amount of faith she had in me was soul shattering.

This woman, with her beautiful eyes and soul, her heart-shaped mouth and sweet tongue, as well as her confidence in me—someone who didn’t deserve a man like me tying her down—had made herself permanently mine. She’d given herself over to me, heart, body, and soul.

I felt something stinging in the vicinity of my heart and couldn’t help but drop my mouth down onto the soft spot of her throat as I tried to breathe through the emotion burning through my chest.

She had no idea, none, how much this meant to me. She didn’t know that I’d been struggling for my entire life to find someone like her. Someone that didn’t care who I was, and only wanted my best interests at heart.

She was giving me that. She was going to give me a child. She was going to give me the protection that I needed.

All of that was accomplished the moment that she said, ‘I do.’

I dragged my tongue up the column of her neck, tasting the water droplets that slid down from her drenched hair.

She moaned low in her throat but didn’t say anything more, and I realized that I couldn’t wait any longer.

I had to have her.


Right. Then.

Bending my knees and hefting her up higher into my arms, I pulled and maneuvered my hips until my cock finally notched at her entrance without any help from me.

Then I slowly started to push inside.

It was only when I felt how tight she was that I realized another truth. She’d given me not only her future but also her virginity.

Two impossible gifts that I could never hope to repay.

My eyes flashed open, and I stared into her eyes, only then realizing that her eyes were centered directly on me.

“You’re killing me, baby,” I whispered.

Her eyes flicked down to my mouth, and then she licked her lips before softly smiling.

I groaned, and my hips jerked, my cock so hard that it hurt.

Her eyes widened, but not in pain.

In something else entirely—pleasure.

I growled and pushed inside a little farther, feeling the barrier of her virginity break just like that.

She didn’t cry, though.

She smiled.

Then she clenched, and I lost my desire to breathe.

If I could drown in her eyes, I would.

They were so freakin’ beautiful, and with her hair slicked back and giving me less to focus on, I realized that the striations in her left eye were a shade of bluish green while her right sported a shade of greenish brown.

You couldn’t tell until you were close just how different they were.

I paused with my cock half in, half out of her.

She was panting, her breasts rising and falling with her accelerated breathing.

The tips of her nipples scraped lightly against my pectorals each time she inhaled.

“Please,” she croaked.

I pushed in just a little bit farther, so fucking scared that if I went fast, I’d hurt her.

If there was one thing on this entire planet that I didn’t want to do, it was to cause her pain.

I’d rather chop my arm off at the elbow than ever see her hurt.

She’d done so fuckin’ much and given me more.


