Last Love (The Love Duet #1) Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: The Love Duet Series by Xavier Neal

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 96586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 483(@200wpm)___ 386(@250wpm)___ 322(@300wpm)

“So, what the fuck am I supposed to do?! Just give up fucking living!” She hisses back with just as much venom. “You want me to stay home every night and fucking knit or whittle or do fucking sudoku while waiting for someone – fucking hell, anyone – to call or text me back?!”

“I want you to get your shit together, Kara! I want you to stop cutting yourself and your hair and dying the shit weird colors and spending day in and out of every saloon between here and South fucking Haven getting nail jobs and feet jobs and lips job, fucking blowing your parents money rather than growing a pair of balls and deciding to go out and actually fucking do something with your life!”

“Not all of us are given fucking golden second chances, Collins!”

“Fuck you!” A finger is jabbed her direction. “I show up every goddamn day and earn this shit!”

All of sudden, the jingling of the front doorknob fills the apartment.

Assuming it’s McCoy coming home to grab the sleep he didn’t get at Jovi’s – which I wish I wasn’t sleeping too because of sex – I brace myself to explain the naked female on our couch.

The naked female who needs to put her clothes back on and probably eat a fucking bagel to help her blood sugar.

“Hi you!” Pres cheerfully greets me while wiggling her key out of the lock.

“Hey you…”

The instant she’s successful, she lifts up a box of pastries. “You left me a love note, so I figured I would bring you a love food.” Her beam brightens at the same time she adds. “They may or may not be zebra striped donuts.”

It’s impossible not to chuckle. “White chocolate and chocolate?”

“Um…what else would they be?” Her smile instantly drops at the sight of Kara. “And what is this I’m praying is a lack of breakfast induced hallucination?”




This is so much worse than had she heard her in the car.

I stand to my feet with a pleading hand stretched out. “I swear to God, baby, it’s not what it looks like.”

“Oh good.” Pres clutches the box in her possession tighter. “Because it looks like you’re in your underwear with sex hair and that there’s a half-naked-”

“Fully naked,” Kara corrects with a devious smirk.

“-freshly fucked woman on your couch.”


“Is this why you didn’t answer my call last night?”

It is.

But I can’t say that shit without everything getting even fucking worse.

“Is this why you didn’t fucking call me when you got home?”


I need more time to properly frame my answer.

“Is this,” she tosses the box the direction of Kara, “what you were fucking doing while I was in a fucking training seminar?!”


“No.” Her vicious bite stops me from moving closer. “I’m going to work, which is apparently where my ass should’ve gone in the first place, and you’re going to do whatever the fuck it is you were doing with her and at some other time when I’m not hangry and horny and haven’t had my hopes for a happy start to my fucking day shat on, maybe we can discuss what the fuck happened here or why the fuck you lied to me-”

“I didn’t fucking lie to you!”

“-or why we’re fucking done if you cheated like my brain is saying you did in spite of my soul screaming you wouldn’t.”


“Enjoy your day, Collins.”

The term.

The bitter expression.

The sassy exit.

It’s all one giant soul-crushing combination that causes me to bark out, “Fuck!”

“She seems swell,” Kara mocks while reaching for her top.

“Do you fucking blame her?” I spin around. “And what the fuck were you thinking saying that?”

“I thought it would lighten the mood.”

“Did you?” There’s no stopping my eyes from narrowing into a glare. “Or did you hope you could fuck up my world just enough for me to dive back down into fucking depression with you?”

Her jaw struggles not to tremble.

“Get dressed.” Unsurpassed rage rips through my system, imploring me to just stop by the nearest gas station for a pack of smokes to dial down. “I’m fucking taking you home. And for your sake you better hope the damage you’ve done to my relationship isn’t fucking permanent, or you’ll have one less person in your life who actually gives a fuck about you.”

At the end of the sentence, I storm off for my bedroom in no mood to spend the day under the hood of cars or wondering if it’s possible to rebuild the trust I’ve spent months cultivating.

What if I can’t?

What if nothing I say or do can fix this?

What happens if this really is the fucking end this time?

I barely survived losing her once.

I honestly don’t think I can twice.

Chapter 22


Discussion Topic 11: Speak Up For Those in the Back Who Didn’t Hear You the First Time

I’m not entirely sure how I get to work let alone in my office.


