King of Night – Thorne Hill Read Online Emily Goodwin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 80563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

“Right. If I could help, I would.”

“I know.” I look at my sister and smile. “You would. And don’t,” I tell her, know where she’s about to go. “I don’t blame you for what happened.”

“I’ve told you that you can put a little bit of blame on me,” she jokes. “And I’ve kind of struggled with thing lately. Mom—Nancy—was going through old photo albums the other day and she has a whole shoebox full of pictures of you.”

I just nod, trying not to let myself feel. For years, Nancy believed I was her biological daughter. She raised me and loved me and treated me like her own until I started showing signs of having powers.

“I remember one time I might have been in like first grade,” I start, letting the memory wash over me for the first time in years. “I was playing with those antique snow globes that used to get put out every Christmas in the foyer.” Abby nods, knowing what I’m talking about. “And Scott yelled at me and said he was getting Mom. He shoved me, and I dropped one. It should have shattered but I must have telekinetically caught it or something because it hovered in the air, like just inches from the ground. Scott froze and then Nancy came around the corner. She saw it floating in the air too. And then Scott kicked it and it did break, but she never blamed me or told anyone what happened. Scott sounded crazy ranting about it for a while.”

“I remember that.” Abby slowly shakes her head. “Man, Scott was a jerk from the start.”

“You can say that again.”

“I don’t think you hear this enough,” she starts. “But I really admire how you’ve been able to move on from all that.”

“I struggle,” I admit. “On a daily basis, I remind myself that I can’t curse him, can’t kill him, and everyone says I should forgive him and move on for my own well being.” I roll my eyes. “Where’s the fun in that? Can’t I at least cause a little bodily harm?”

“No,” Abby chuckles.

“What about make him walk through poison ivy then accidentally break all his fingers so he can’t even scratch the itches?”

“It’s creative, I’ll give you that, but no. Still falls under the category of “bodily harm” if you’re breaking bones.”

“Fine,” I huff but smile. “What about cursing him so he only speaks with a really bad Irish accent?”

Abby laughs. “Okay, even I would like to witness that one.”

My phone dings with a text; it’s Lucas just checking in. I called him as we walked back to Abby’s house. I didn’t tell him about the run-in with the demon yet. He has the ability to day walk right and if he knew a demon approached me, he would show up.

And we can’t have that.

Penny comes over and lays down next to Juliet on the blanket, gently touching her wispy hair. She’s so careful, babbling the word “bay-bay” over and over. It’s freaking adorable, and Abby and I both gush over our daughters for the next hour or so. I leave when Penny goes down for a nap, getting back to The Taproom not long before they open for the day. Lucas, Eliza, and Eamon will have to stay in the back, pretending like the windows aren’t enchanted and the diminishing daylight is harmful.

“Hello lover,” I tell Lucas, giving him a kiss. “Can we talk?”

“What did you do now?” He puts his hands on my shoulders, nuzzling his head against my neck for a moment before he takes Juliet, cradling her against his chest.

“I didn’t do anything this time. Not yet. But I kinda sorta might have booked us a date.”

“A date?” Lucas looks at me skeptically.

“With a demon.”



“I’m going to need you to elaborate on that,” Lucas says, tone level. I am so freaking thankful for his ability to control his emotions way better than I can.

“The demon from last night…she…she possessed someone and talked to me.” I hold up my hand before he can interrupt me. “I don’t trust her, but she knows how to do the angel banishing spell. I haven’t had any updates from Tabatha, which means they’re not making any headway on it. If I know how it’s cast, I can ward against it. Or use it to make other angels take a road trip.”

“It’ll hurt you.”

“Yeah, but the alternative could be worse. You can’t deny that.”

Lucas looks at me, dark blue eyes searing into mine. He doesn’t want to admit it to be true, unable to support any sort of concept that could possible hurt me. “When are we meeting this demon?”

“She calls herself Drea and she said she’ll here around opening. And of course I will put safety measures in place. Demon traps, salt lines, vanquishing potions, and protection charms—the works. I even raided Abby’s spice drawer to make something for luck. And plus, I have this.” I hold up my hand, conjuring a brilliantly mixed ball of raw energy and hellfire. I don’t mean to smile as I look at it, eyes wide as I watch the flames flicker inside the white lines of energy. Fuck, it feels good to hold this.


