Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"I believe she was born here, but Faith isn't able to confirm."

He sighs. "This isn't a lot to go on, O."

"I know, but she can't tell me much more than that." I grimace at the memory of asking her for even that much this morning. She slept soundly in my arms all night, barely moving. When she woke this morning, she was quiet, but didn't seem in a big hurry to get away from me. She looked so sleepy and sweet, her honey eyes soft and warm. Until I asked about her mother, anyway. As soon as I brought her up, the warm light in Faith's eyes winked out and she shut down, pulling away.

Captain Franklin sighs again, the sound crackling like static on the line. "I'll put someone on it for you, but I'm not making any promises we'll find anything useful."

"Anything would help."

"You think her mother was involved with Tarasova’s operation?"

"Not sure," I mutter. When Faith started to shut down, I backed off, worried I'd push too far, and she'd shut down completely. I want her to open up because she trusts me, not because I force her into it.

"You going to tell me why you need this info then?"


He barks laughter. "Fine, but it better not come back to bite me in the ass, Hernandez."

"It won't," I tell him, though I'm not sure if I'm being honest or not. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with any information I find. What I want to do is hunt her mother down and haul her in on charges of child abuse, neglect, and abandonment, but the statute of limitations on most of those charges has expired. If we find her, I'll figure out a way to ensure she doesn't simply get away with what she did to Faith. Making sure she suffers will be my personal mission in life.

"I need you at a debriefing on the bar shooting at eleven."

"Can't it wait? I have things I need to get done today." I glance at the clock on the entertainment center. It's a few minutes before eight. I planned to spend the morning with Faith after introducing her next door. I want to talk to her about what she's going through, try to get her in to see someone who can help if she's willing.

"No can do," Franklin says. "The media is foaming at the mouth for an update on the situation. We get to deliver what we know to the brass so they can take it to the press tomorrow."

"Fuck," I curse. "Fine, I'll be there."

"You better."

"I said I'd be there," I snap at him. "Have I ever not been where I said I'd be?"

His silence is deafening.

"I gotta go," I mutter when Faith steps out into the living room, looking at me uncertainly.

"We'll talk," he says, and I know damn well he means we're going to talk about why I'm snapping at him. He lets most things roll off his back, but I've never been a problem for him before. My entire career, I've done what I was hired to do and didn't make waves. Right up until a honey-eyed angel walked into my life anyway.

I hang up, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"I'm ready," Faith says, her tongue dancing across her bottom lip as she eyes me warily from across the room. She looks beautiful today. Her hair hangs in waves down to her lower back. Her eyes are less shadowed beneath and seem even wider than normal. She's in an oversized hoodie and yoga pants. Eating regularly has been good for her. She's still tiny, but she's gained a few pounds, and her face is filling out.

She needs to eat more though. She barely ate anything yesterday.

"Do you want something to eat before we go?" I ask.

She shakes her head, taking a couple more steps into the room. "No thanks," she mumbles, looking everywhere but directly at me. She wraps her arms around herself. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah," I say with a sigh. "Let's go."

She shuffles to the door and then waits patiently for me to disarm the alarm. Before she can step outside, I place a hand on her arm.

"Look at me, Faith," I order when she immediately pulls away.

She sighs like I'm annoying her and looks up at me, her face set in stubborn, mulish lines. "What?" she mumbles, her gaze lingering near my jawline instead of meeting mine.

I tip her chin up by placing my hand on the side of her neck and tilting her head, forcing her to look at me. "I promise you that I won't allow anyone else to hurt you, conejita. I know you're afraid, but you'll be as safe with Luke and Roman as you are with me."

"Okay," she whispers, pulling away again. She takes a few steps to the side before turning back to look at me, her expression carefully blank. Even then, I see the chinks in her armor…the way her lower lip trembles and her pupils dilate. She's so goddamn afraid but doesn't want me to know it.


