Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"I love you, little bunny."

He kisses me hard and deep, pouring his emotions into his kiss. I feel him everywhere as he makes love to me, lifting me up and down his cock and groaning my name. He feels so damn good inside me, like he belongs there. I never feel as whole as I do when he's inside me like this. It's heaven.

If I'm his world, he's my sun.

He loves me to the brink of madness again and then again, until I'm lost in him and the powerful emotions pulsing like a tangible, living thing between us. All I see is him. All I feel is him. I don't ever want it to stop.

"Come for me, angel," he whispers against my lip.

His quiet command sends me over like it always does. My inner muscles lock around him, orgasm pulsing through me hard enough to steal my breath.

He follows me over, groaning my name as he pumps into me.

Feeling him releasing inside me sends another shot of bliss through my veins. I cry out his name, clinging to him as my heart pounds, spreading that feeling all throughout my body. I cling to his shoulders, loving the way his powerful body trembles for me. Because of me.

"Faith," he whispers. "Dios, Faith."

I slump against him, pressing kisses into his throat as we both come down. Once he catches his breath, he kicks his way free of his pants and then pulls me away from the wall to cradle me carefully in his strong arms. He stumbles toward our bedroom.

"Don't go," I mumble, trying to pull him down into the bed with me.

"I'll be right back. I need to check on Thea," he murmurs, pressing kisses to my hands before pulling away.

I let him go this time and snuggle up on his pillow, dozing. A few minutes later, he slips into the bed with me, tugging me over until I'm snuggled up against him, my face in his throat. He still smells like peace, home, and safety to me. I think he always will.

"You really didn't know?" I ask him.

"I suspected," he admits and then chuckles when I huff. "Knowing you and every inch of this beautiful body is my greatest pleasure in life, angel. You're the center of my world. Your breasts have been more sensitive, and you're always sleepy."

"That's because your daughter likes to stay up all night."

He chuckles again, pressing his lips to my forehead. "I want another little girl, conejita."

"I want a little boy."

"You could give me both," he suggests, reaching between us to rub my belly.

Mila is pregnant with twins. I don't know how she's carrying two of Roman's babies because he's a giant. There's no way I could carry two of Octavio's babies at the same time. I got so big with Thea that I couldn't see my feet for like four whole months.

And having three babies in diapers would be a lot of work. But I would give it to him if I could. I'd give him anything. That hasn't changed, not once since he stole my heart four years ago. He's everything to me, my strength, my home…my peace.

"Would you be upset with me if I decided not to go back to work?" I ask, my voice soft. I'm supposed to go back soon, but the thought of leaving Thea with a stranger makes me anxious and sad. I love my job and all the good I've been able to do, but I don't want to leave Thea. I don't want to miss a single second with her.

"Fuck no," Octavio says without hesitation. "I told you, little angel, you can do whatever you want to do, and I'll support you. If you never want to work again, that's all right with me. You know I'll take care of you and all the babies you're going to give me."

"We have my trust fund now too," I murmur. I gained access to it a month after Thea was born, but we haven't touched it. I never really used any of the allowance the trust provided either. Octavio always tells me that's my money and I can do whatever I want to do with it. I've donated some of it…okay, a lot of it. The rest just sits there.

"You have your trust fund now," he says, exactly like I knew he would. He helps Uncle Jordan oversee my dad's estate now that Uncle Jordan has retired, but he never lets me use it to pay for anything. He takes care of me and Thea in every way, spoiling us. "But we don't need it. I think I've been preparing for you my entire life, little bunny. We're good. Even if you decide not to go back to work, we'll be good."

"Okay," I whisper.

"But if you decide not to go back to work, I don't want it to be because you're afraid to leave Thea," he says, rolling to his back and then picking me up and laying me on top of him. He pushes my hair out of my face before rubbing my back. "Nothing is going to happen to our girl just because you aren't with her twenty-four hours a day. I need you to believe that too."


