Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)
"You sent them after her, you son of a bitch," I growl, clenching my hands in an attempt to keep myself from strangling the life out of him like he deserves. I settle for kicking him in the ribcage. "You helped them track her down and then you helped them try to kill her."
"They weren't supposed to shoot at her," he sobs. "They were just supposed to capture her. She was worth more to Tarasova alive. I swear I didn't know they were going to try to kill the two of you."
"You heard enough?" Roman asks me.
I nod, grinding my teeth together. Every cell in my body screams at me to end his life here and now, but I can't do that. As pathetic as he is, he used to be a cop. His life will be miserable enough in prison. And he will be going to prison. Faith gave him the one free pass he gets. He should have stayed away from her.
"You're under arrest for the attempted murders of Faith Donovan and Octavio Hernandez," Roman says, reaching out to haul Sanders to his feet. He's not gentle about it either, making Sanders howl in pain as he drags him outside to Livingston and Coulter.
"Jesus," Coulter says, looking Sanders over with an amused grin on his face. "Did he fall down a flight of stairs?"
"Looks that way," I mutter.
Roman hands Sanders off to Livingston, who puts him in the back of his cruiser until an ambulance gets here to deal with him. Sanders cries the entire way, sobbing that he's sorry and he didn't mean it. The cabrón isn't smart enough to ask for a lawyer and keep his goddamn mouth shut. Not that it will do him any good. He was screaming loud enough for Livingston and Coulter to hear his confession.
"How'd you know it was him?" Roman asks once the ambulance pulls away with Livingston and Coulter following behind in Livingston's cruiser.
"Process of elimination. Tarasova wants her alive, and his people know it. So Sedov and Milonov weren't acting on his orders, which his people also would have known. They aren't well enough liked for many to follow them willingly, especially if it meant defying Tarasova. And Sanders was the only one who knew for sure that Faith was with me." I scrub a hand down my face, checking the time.
It's already after seven in the morning. We still haven't heard from Finn, and now we're waiting for Tarasova to fold too. Not that it'll do him any good. Regardless of whether he removes the hit, I'll continue building a case against him and every member of his cartel. One way or another, his life is about to get very uncomfortable.
I want that motherfucker to watch me destroy everything he's spent his entire life building. And every goddamn time one of his people disappears, I want him to know what he did to Faith is the reason. I don't want someone else in charge, picking up where he left off. I want every single one of them out of this fucking city. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Tarasova won't survive when I'm finished. But he spent five years tormenting Faith. Now, it's his goddamn turn. He's going to lose everything, and I want him to see it happen. There will be no Tarasova Cartel when I'm finished.
"You know Tarasova is after Selena Ortega's kid too," Roman murmurs as we walk back to his truck. "Maybe she was the one he was talking about making him a king."
"She wasn't," I grunt, not a doubt in my mind that he meant Faith.
Dios, Faith.
My entire body aches with the need to feel her in my arms again, but I can't yet. I still have things to take care of before I can go back to her. Starting with finding out whether or not I still have a job.
Chapter Eighteen
"Yeah?" I glance up from my lap to see Luke standing in front of me, frowning. He looks worn out, but I don't think he's slept at all since he brought me here last night. An LAPD cruiser is circling the block, and there's another one parked right outside, but Luke and Knox have been taking turns patrolling around the house. They're not leaving anything to chance.
Mila and Lola are both asleep in his guestroom, but I haven't left the living room since Mila convinced me to get a shower to wash Ivan's blood off me. I've been sitting in the same spot, staring blankly at nothing. My heart feels like it's been shredded into pieces. Everything hurts because Octavio isn't here.
I'm so afraid I'll never get to tell him how much he means to me. I'm clinging to his promise with everything I have…but what if he can't keep it? What if they kill him because of me?