Kid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 80699 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 323(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

I’m sure he only has a few hands left so I leave the casino. I have every intention of going back to the hotel and getting some sleep. Last night was horrible and I know tonight won’t be any better. I opt to hit the strip instead. This city seriously never takes a break. I give the evil eye to all of the porn promoters as they flap and whip little cards with bar, club, and prostitution promotions on them. They must sense my mood because they don’t thrust them out in front of me like they’re doing with everyone else.

Walking down the street, lights flashing, half-naked women everywhere, and my mind only holds one thing. Khloe. The memories of her are relentless, and for the first time in my life I don’t even mind the fixation.

We’ll start surveillance on The Golden Dragon tomorrow which means hours and hours of sitting and watching. I actually look forward to sitting with nothing to do but run our story through my head. Nothing like a long torture session to keep me on my toes.

I shoot off a quick text to Snatch to get Khloe’s new phone number and send her a message.

Me: Hey, Sweet Girl.

I watch the three dots begin and then stop and then begin again. She’s either writing a super long message or she’s rethought what she was going to send originally.

Khloe: Hey

Yeah, she deleted it.

Me: What were you going to type?

Khloe: Nothing

Me: Don’t lie to me, beautiful

Khloe: I was going to tell you that I was thinking about you

Me: Oh really? In what capacity….

Khloe: I’m in bed….

Me: Nice!! Send me a picture

Khloe: Can’t

Me: Why not?

Khloe: Snatch said no child pornography…

Me: So you were thinking naughty thoughts about me?

Khloe: Remember the other night?

How could I ever forget?

Me: Yeah

Khloe: Picture that

This girl is going to be the death of me. I turn around and walk back to my hotel, hoping no one pays attention to the rod I’m now sporting in my jeans.

Two weeks and she’s eighteen. I think the second I get her in my arms the way she should be, I’ll never let her go.

Chapter 25


“Wow,” I say walking into the kitchen for breakfast. “Rough night?”

The men in the room are as chipper as ever and seem to be enjoying the clear pain every one of the women is in. They’re all a sickly shade of green with bloodshot eyes, and less than enthused facial expressions.

“Serves their asses’ right for going to the strip club,” Snatch says even though his words don’t match his behavior. I watch as he takes a bottle of Tylenol and a full bottle of water to Snapper. She’s not my favorite person, but seeing her this miserable is painful.

I make a plate of food and sit down beside Emmalyn. Her forehead is leaned forward on the table, and Kincaid is soothing her by rubbing big circles on her back. I look up at him, and he just shakes his head. I can tell he doesn’t like that’s she hurting, but the glint in his eyes says it’s worth it if she never does it again.

I chuckle lightly. If getting drunk and having fun the night before turns into mornings like this, consider me deterred.

“You need to eat something,” I hear Kincaid whisper in Emmalyn’s ear. A loud groan is her only answer.

He stands from the table and sets to making her some toast.

She rolls her forehead on the table and looks at me.

I scrunch my nose since she smells like a brewery. “You look miserable,” I say, apparently too loud when her hands sluggishly make to cover her ears.

“Last night was awesome,” she says softly.

“Looks like it,” I agree sarcastically looking around the room.

Even though the guys were pretty upset last night that the girls went out to watch strippers, not one woman in this kitchen is alone; every one of them is being cared for by at least one member.

Rose has the same expression on her face as the men, if not even a little smugger.

“Rose didn’t drink last night?” I ask.

She lets out the most unladylike snorting sound. “Rose drank every one of us under the table. How she’s perfectly fine this morning I have no idea.”

I look back over at Rose, and she just smirks and gives me a wink. It doesn’t surprise me that Rose can hold her liquor; she seems like a tough cookie to me. I guess being around all of these rowdy bikers all these years will teach you a few things.

“Here,” Kincaid says placing a plate of dry toast in from of Em. “Please eat something, baby. Trust me, if you have something in your stomach, you’ll feel better.”

Reluctantly, she brings a triangle of toast to her mouth and takes a small bite. Kincaid seems to calm beside her.


