Kid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 80699 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 323(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

I pull out my disconnected phone and pull up my pictures. With Kid gone, I seem to be a glutton for punishment. I smile sadly as I swipe through the pictures of Alec. I miss him terribly. I miss the easy conversation we had. I’m able to talk to Kid, but it’s different than talking with Alec. The sexual tension between Kid and I is always waiting to bubble to the surface, and that adds an extra layer of stress.

I try to imagine a conversation with Alec if he could see the situation I was in right now. I know he’d tell me I’m moving too fast. He’d urge me to find out more about not just Kid, but the MC as well. He’d want me to actually be safe rather than just feeling safe around Kid. I’d argue that I have pretty decent instincts on judging people and I’d all but guarantee my safety with Kid. Physical safety anyways; I have no idea how safe my heart is at this point.

A hard knock on my door draws my attention away from my phone.

“Come in,” I say figuring Emmalyn is coming to check on me.

Snatch swings the door wide as if he’s making some sort of grand entrance. The flare of dramatics makes me smile.

“Kid told me to grab you a phone,” he says handing me a bright orange bag.

“Thank you,” I tell him reaching my hand out to take it from him.

“I programmed everyone in the club’s number in there in case you need it.”

“I appreciate it,” I say as I open the bag, then the box that the phone is in.

“Unlimited data, minutes, texting and all that good shit,” he informs me.

I smile and power on the phone.

“Umm, Khloe?” I look up at him.

“I wouldn’t send any… you know… naked pictures to Kid. Since you’re still under eighteen and the information bounces off all sorts of cell towers before it makes it to your destination, it could possibly be considered child pornography in some states,” he warns.

I stare at him, mouth agape.

I never even considered sending Kid naughty pictures, but I’m grateful for the warning. The threat of getting in trouble, or worse yet, getting Kid into trouble, is enough to keep me from ever sending naked pictures.

“I know your phone was much older,” he says walking closer to the bed. “Let me show you where everything is on here.”

I smile up at him, grateful for the offer, and hand him the phone.

“You’re not afraid of me anymore, are you?”

I huff a laugh. “Nope.”

He raises an eyebrow as if saying everyone is terrified of him.

I tilt my head a little. “Snatch, I’ve seen you dance and sing to Justin Bieber and Jason Derulo. That doesn’t really help you maintain the scary guy image.”

He laughs heartily, holding his stomach as if he’s pained by the action. “Yeah,” he finally says. “I guess you’re right.”

He quickly shows me some of the features on the phone and then leaves me to fiddle with it on my own. Everyone that I’ve had interactions with here has been very helpful. I know many motorcycle clubs aren’t like this. If they were, the stereotypes that seem like common knowledge to everyone wouldn’t exist.

I smile picturing Alec here. He would be in hog heaven with all of the handsome guys around. I know he’d crush hard on Snatch since he had a thing for tattoos and piercings. We’d sit on my bed for hours on end and gossip about the men. My heart clenches when I’m reminded that I’ll never have that again. My best friend is gone, and even though my life doesn’t feel as helpless as it did a few weeks ago, there is still a huge hole where Alec had once been.

I climb off my bed and wipe a tear from my cheek. I have to get out of this room and out of my own head before I end up down the rabbit hole of depression again.

The clubhouse is quiet as I make my way out front. I notice the droop to the flowers Emmalyn and I planted days ago so I set about watering them, hoping they can be saved. After completing that task, I just wander around the property, noticing for the first time that there is a magnificent porch on the back of the building. There is a stone paver patio that reaches out into the backyard complete with a huge grill and enough tables for everyone in the club to sit down at and visit with each other or enjoy a meal.

I opt to sit on the porch since the harsh heat of the sun is directly overhead. It’s so peaceful and relaxing back here, and I know immediately I’ll be spending quite a bit of time here.


