Karma – The Serendipity Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94512 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 378(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“As if we’re staying on topic now?” Faith asked, but she didn’t seem too concerned. “Okay, so there’s four of us to face the committee and push our agenda. Kelly, will you ask Annie to be at the meeting Tuesday night?”

Kelly nodded. “I’m sure she will as long as she’s feeling up to it.”

Liza tilted her head. “Is she sick?”

Kelly hesitated before answering. “Annie has MS.” She paused once more. “But she’s very open about her condition, so I don’t think she’ll mind that I told you.”

Liza’s head was spinning with all the information she’d learned in such a short time.

“Okay, now as for the smaller but equally important details.” Faith held up one hand. “The band is set, the decorator is working with me, and you guys are handling the food and drinks. Invitations?” She ticked each item off her fingers.

“Coming back from the printer this week,” Kelly said.

“And with that, business is concluded.” Faith held up her glass and took a drink. “Meeting adjourned.”

Faith and Kelly eased their way out of the pool, and Liza followed, grabbing the towel she’d brought with her. She wrapped it around her waist and tucked in the end to hold it in place.

Before Dare could waylay her, she walked up to Ethan, wanting to have a word. He was the oldest. With his dark hair and deep brown eyes, he was the most similar to Dare in looks, but Dare’s hair was shorter, his build tighter and more defined. And where Ethan still possessed the bad-boy persona he’d perfected in high school, Dare, the cop, projected a completely different kind of aura. Competent, strong, in control. Everything about him, from his good looks to his character, drew her in.

Ethan still intimidated her a little, but obviously, he’d come a long way, and Liza was the last person to judge anyone for their past. “Ethan?”

The man turned to face her. “Liza.” He greeted her with what passed as a warm smile for him.

“I just wanted to thank you for your donation to fix the center median in town.” Liza had no doubt he was the anonymous donor. If I can contribute or help…” Liza trailed off, her point made.

Ethan narrowed his gaze. He paused, then finally shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “It’s fine.”

* * *

Dare watched the exchange, recognizing immediately that his brother had no idea what Liza was talking about. Faith had clearly taken the reins on this one. As usual, Ethan wouldn’t undermine his wife’s plan, whatever it might be.

“Well, I just wanted to say thank you.” Liza laid a hand on Ethan’s forearm. “And thanks again for having me over.”

“You’re welcome,” Ethan said, placing his hand over hers in a friendly gesture.

The sight of her fair hand on his brother’s darker skin irritated the hell out of Dare for no good reason. He clenched his hands into fists and drew in a steadying breath. No reason to act like an ass toward his brother just because Dare was feeling irrational and crazy.

But he could talk to Liza, and he suddenly had a burning need to get her alone. Overwhelmed by a host of emotions he could barely contain, he stepped between Ethan and Liza, meeting Liza’s startled gaze. “Pool house. Now,” Dare practically growled at her.

Liza’s mouth opened in surprise. “Dare!”

“I need to talk to you.”

More like he just needed her, he thought as he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the pool house. He slammed the door shut behind them.

He glanced at Liza, who stared at him, eyes wide and uncertain. Her lips were lightly glossed, her body glistening from the heat, and thanks to the damned air, her nipples puckered through the bikini’s top.

He stepped toward her. It had been too long since he’d last seen her, and he missed her. Needed to know the distance hadn’t changed anything between them, hadn’t given her time to shore up those damn defenses of hers.

He raised his hand in the air, wanting to cup her face and bring his lips down on hers, but to his shock, she flinched.

He immediately dropped his hand in confusion. “Liza?” he asked softly, having regained complete control. “You know I wouldn’t hurt you. I just wanted to touch you.”

She blinked and started to shake. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe I reacted like that. It’s just that you looked so angry, and then you dragged me in here like a caveman, and I was surprised, but I wasn’t scared.”

He remained stock-still, not wanting to move a muscle until she finished. This woman had gone toe-to-toe with him ever since he’d first met her at the police station, and he needed to know what the hell had set her off so badly. Yeah, he hadn’t been himself, but she had to know he’d never lay a hand on her in real anger.


