Ink (Hounds of Hellfire MC #6) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31778 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

He licked and bit at my clit while he worked another finger inside me. The brush of his whiskers against my sensitive skin only heightened my pleasure. I gripped the blanket in my fists while I writhed in his hold, my body tight. Then he pulled his fingers from me. My whimper of protest was replaced with a cry of satisfaction when he quickly replaced it with his stiffened tongue.

He ate me with reckless abandon until waves of pleasure crashed over my body. “Yes, Matteo! Oh yes!”

While my body was shuddering with my release, he got to his knees and shoved his boxer briefs down. His thick shaft sprang free, a bead of precome on the tip. I licked my lip, wondering what it tasted like, but then every thought flew out of my head when he notched himself at my center and pushed forward with one powerful thrust.

Anchoring his hard length deep inside me, he muttered, “Mi dispiace, dolcezza. I hate that I had to hurt you, but I’m gonna make it up to you with more pleasure than you can imagine.”

After giving me a little time to adjust to his size, he asked, “Better?”

I gave my hips an experimental wiggle and was relieved to find there wasn’t any pain, only pleasure. “Yeah.”

“Thank fuck,” he groaned before starting to move again.

The drive of his hips was slow at first, but he picked up the pace until he was practically pounding me into the mattress.

“Knowing his pussy is mine and only mine is hot as fuck.”

“Yours,” I gasped when he swiveled his hips on the next thrust.

“That’s right, dolcezza. Mine.”

Sliding his hands under my butt, he lifted me so he could go deeper, hitting my clit with every downward drive of his hips. I clutched at his biceps, my nails digging into his inked flesh hard enough to leave a temporary mark.

“Come for me again. Now.”

Time hung suspended for a moment, and then the pleasure hit me. Even stronger than before. Waves and waves that felt as though they’d never end while he rode me through both of our releases.

When it was finally over, Matteo rolled onto his back and settled me against his chest. I felt as though my body was boneless, and I melted into his embrace—which was exactly where I wanted to be.



“Rachel is back!” Annika squealed, bounding up to her knees and bouncing on the bed, making her big, sexy tits sway enticingly.

Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I laughed as I made a grab for her to yank her down so she was lying on top of me. “I like this look on you,” I told her softly.

“What look? Naked and jumping around so I’m wiggling all my juicy bits?” Her peals of laughter rang throughout the room, and a wide grin split across my face.

“Juicy is fucking right, baby,” I growled before flipping her onto her back and proceeding to show her just how delicious all her “bits” were.

After we’d showered and dressed for the day, I remembered that I hadn’t finished my thought earlier. I grabbed her hand and shuffled her into the bathroom to stand in front of the mirror, then slipped my arms around her, resting them on her soft, sexy belly.

“As much as I enjoyed seeing all those delicious curves up close, that wasn’t what I meant earlier.”

She blinked at me in confusion.

“The look I like on you in happiness, dolcezza. I love seeing you happy.”

Annika’s expression turned soft, and her body melted back against me. “Then don’t go anywhere,” she whispered with a sweet smile. “Because you make me deliriously happy.”

“Same, dolcezza. Same.”

I’d have kept her glued to me twenty-four seven if I could have, but I couldn’t refuse her request to go have coffee with Rachel when she looked so delighted about it. Not when I had no legitimate reason to say no.

I kissed the fuck out of her before buckling her into the driver’s seat of her Jeep. “Be careful and protect what’s mine,” I ordered gruffly before capturing her lips one more time.

“You aren’t going to convince me to cancel with those tempting lips and that growly voice if that’s what you’re trying to do,” she muttered, sounding less than confident.

I grinned but took a step back. “Go, dolcezza. Before I change my mind and drag you back to my cave to have my wicked way with you.”

She glanced between me and the clubhouse, appearing even more indecisive after my comment. As much as I wanted to take advantage of the moment, I was more interested in fucking her after she came home and was still glowing with happiness.

I was saved from ruining my good intentions when Onyx stuck his head out of the door and shouted, “Ink! Waiting on you, man.”

“Have fun, baby. Be careful.”

“Okay. See you soon.”


