Ink (Hounds of Hellfire MC #6) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31778 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

Matteo tossed my suitcase at him. “Bring this inside. You know where to put it.”

He didn’t give me the chance to ask where that was before he tugged me into the clubhouse, but I figured I’d find out soon enough. A place this big was bound to have plenty of rooms where I could crash while I figured things out.

When Matteo led me inside, Cerberus trotted toward us and gave me a thorough sniffing before laying on his back and offering me his belly. Laughing, I crouched down and scratched him behind the ears. “How are you, cutie?”

“Not sure anyone besides Stella has ever called him that before.” Matteo shook his head with a laugh. “I was shocked to see him come right up to you earlier. Cerberus has never been one to take to new people, and he’s only gotten more territorial since our prez and his old lady had their baby. He’s protective as fuck over Cadell. I’ve barely seen him in this part of the clubhouse for the past four months since he likes to stick close to the baby.”

“That’s why he was here earlier? Since the baby was here with Stella?”

He nodded and watched Cerberus nudge my hand with his snout, begging for more affection. “Only reason I can think of that he’s here now is to see you,” he mused. “Can’t really blame him.”

Matteo crouched down to scratch his neck. Then he leaned close and whispered something with a smug grin.

“What did you say?” I asked curiously.

Matteo winked at me before standing up and offering his hand to help me to my feet.

“That’s between us men, baby,” he replied with a sexy wink that had butterflies swirling in my stomach.

I was in the middle of a motorcycle club clubhouse, with a hot biker talking about babies while I petted a dog. Even though Cerberus looked as intimidating as his name, he wasn’t at all what I would have expected for a pet that belonged to an MC. Then again, nothing had been what I expected since I walked through the door of Hellbound Studio. I was more okay with that than I probably should’ve been. Just incredibly tired from the emotional roller coaster.

“Do you mind if I lie down? Between pumping myself up for a tattoo that I didn’t even get and finding out that my uncle has stolen from me, it’s been a long day. I’m exhausted.”

“Whatever you need, dolcezza.”



Iwasn’t sure what the fuck had come over me, but I’d been smug as shit when I told Cerberus that Annika would be sleeping in my bed tonight. Now, as I guided her over to the stairs, I tossed him another arrogant grin. Then I realized what I was doing and made a mental note to have one of the club’s doctors examine my head.

We made our way upstairs and down the hall until we reached my room. Being an enforcer had its perks when it came to living at the clubhouse. My room was a good size and had its own bathroom. Although it wasn’t permanently mine like the officers, so when I moved out, the spot would go to someone else.

Annika’s gaze was full of open curiosity as she looked around the room. “I wasn’t sure what to expect,” she said with a laugh.

“And?” I pressed as I shut the door behind us.

“I might have thought it would be a little messier,” she admitted with a giggle. “Single guys and all that.”

Laughing, I took her suitcase off the bed and moved it to a small couch in the corner. “Comes from being part of a big family, I suppose. You didn’t put your stuff away. It wasn’t your stuff anymore.”

Annika laughed and plopped down on the end of the bed. “You live here, or it’s just your room?” she queried, watching me open her bag and begin hanging her shit in my closet.

“I live here for now. The officers have what basically equates to an apartment, unless they live somewhere else. Then they still have a permanent room, but it’s more like this one. I haven’t needed more than this. There’s a huge communal kitchen downstairs, and most of the old ladies take turns cooking for the club.” I grinned and winked at Annika. “I do my fair share, though, because I couldn’t leave my mamma’s house without knowing how to make her special dishes. I’d go through withdrawals if I had to wait until I went home for her cooking.”

As I’d hoped, her cheeks bloomed with pink, and her expression turned a little dreamy. “You cook?”

“My lasagna is fucking awesome,” I boasted as I hung up the garment bag she’d brought and shut the closet door. It hit me then that I had no idea when she ate last.

“Are you hungry, baby? I can⁠—”


