Inheriting Miss Fortune – The Billionaire Brotherhood Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 104448 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 418(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

“Yes,” I said, shoving my chair back so I could get him some caffeine. He usually drank a soda in the late afternoon, so I was pretty sure a Coke would be a good idea right about now.

“In Wyoming?” she added.

Dev glanced at Kenji with an adorably befuddled expression before looking back at Renata. “That’s where I live, so… yeah?”

I set the glass of icy Coke in front of him before returning to the kitchen to bring out the huge grilled chicken salad Renata’s parents had sent. There was a basket of rolls with butter and honey to go along with it. Kenji stood up to help me pass out bowls and utensils.

Dev leaned over and kissed the side of Lellie’s head. “Mmm, broccoli is my favorite. Remember the wolf in the forest likes broccoli, too, doesn’t he? Because broccoli helps him stay healthy and run fast with his friends.”

I saw Renata’s intense stare soften before her eyes flicked up to me. I gave her a “told you so” look before sitting down and serving a giant pile of salad into a bowl for Dev before serving one for myself.

Renata helped herself, and then Kenji did the same. Renata didn’t stop her interrogation, but she tempered it. “Will you bring her back here for visits? I’m going to miss her like crazy.”

Dev considered her question while he finished chewing and swallowed. “I’m happy to fly you out to see us on the ranch. You can meet my friends and get to know where she lives. The people in her life.”

It wasn’t an answer to her question, but it was kind and generous.

He added, “I’d love for you to remain close to her if you’d like. You’re one of the few people who’s been in her life since the very beginning, and I think that’s important. Katie would have wanted that.”

It was the first time I’d heard him making any claim on knowing Katie well. Up to now, he’d acted like he hadn’t even deserved to know her well, though I knew how much they’d meant to each other. I was happy to see him changing and owning that relationship again. That was what Katie would have wanted.

“I’d like that,” Renata said with a soft smile. “I’ve always wanted to go to Yellowstone.”

Dev returned her smile. “We live at the eastern gates to the park near Three Daughters. It’s gorgeous.”

I chimed in to tell her about the views, about Majestic, and about how friendly everyone seemed to be. We went on to tell her about the ranch and the horses, and when I told her about the “real” Trigger, she seemed to melt.

The evening passed quickly, and after a walk to the park for a quick visit to Lellie’s favorite climbing playground, we returned home and let Renata do the bedtime routine one more time.

Unfortunately, Renata wasn’t, in fact, a miracle worker, and the night turned from good to bad very quickly after her departure. Kenji offered to help, but we sent him to bed in Katie’s old room. Thankfully, the house cleaners had already been through to make sure the room was made up with clean sheets and Katie’s personal items had been packed away.

Dev and I stayed up, taking turns trying to get Lellie to settle in her crib before the two of us finally fell asleep with her snuggled between us in the guest bed.

When I awoke the next morning, I felt the warm press of Lellie’s foot on my neck and turned to see her head resting on Dev’s chest. His large hand cupped the back of her head, his fingers tangled in her messy dark curls.

My heart skittered toward him and slid to a stop, safely encased in Dev’s own chest, while I forced myself out of bed. Orris was expecting me in the office first thing this morning, and I needed to stop by my apartment first to pick up fresh work clothes.

When I finally arrived at the office, everything seemed normal. On the way over, I’d braced myself for the stern talking-to I was going to get about being a “team player” and helping the firm by “doing the right thing” in helping the Scotts get custody of their granddaughter.

Which was why I was completely shocked when Orris didn’t even mention them once in our meeting.

“Good morning, Tully. Thanks for coming in so early. I could really use your help with a client situation.”

I blinked at him in surprise. It wasn’t uncommon for him to pull me onto a bigger case, but it was unexpected right now, considering he’d asked me to stay with Lellie to keep an eye on her. “Of course. What’s the situation?”

He explained that the adult son of one of his clients was interested in creating a revocable trust. “One of my clients has an adult son who is aging out of his family’s large trust and needs to set up his own estate planning. The young man has the money from his trust, continuing family financial interests, a business, and multiple rental properties.”


