Inheriting Miss Fortune – The Billionaire Brotherhood Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 104448 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 418(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

“I already have a family, and it’s you assholes,” I said, speaking of him and the rest of the brotherhood. Even I noticed how petulant I sounded.

Silas nodded. “Definitely. And we’ll always be your family. Which means we’ll always be here for you and Lellie. You won’t be doing this alone.”

“Doesn’t she deserve a mother?”

“Absolutely. And she had one. You’ll make sure she knows all about Katie as she grows up. That’s something you can do because you knew her. It’s not something a random couple from Atlanta can do for her. Besides, you implied you might be okay with Way and me taking her, and we certainly can’t provide her with a mother. So that’s clearly not a true concern.” He bumped his arm into mine. “Now, get your head out of your ass and commit to your daughter so we can let Jo Blake loose on decorating Lellie’s room in your new house.”

I had to admit that sounded fun. And thinking about being there for Lellie’s milestones was even more exciting. But I also knew from some of the things Tully had said about Katie that being a single parent could be exhausting, nerve-racking, and isolating, even if you had plenty of money.

“I’ll think about it,” I said, standing up and stretching. “Thank you for being here. For helping me feel like I could do it.”

Silas stood up and yanked me in for a hug. He wasn’t usually demonstrative, so the gesture took me by surprise. Thankfully, my travel mug was empty, or I would have sloshed coffee all over both of us.

“You have a lot of love to give, Dev. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their dad.” His voice was gritty with emotion and hit me right in the solar plexus.

“Thanks,” I managed before pulling away, nodding awkwardly, and heading for the utility vehicle.

“Hold up,” Way called, jogging down the porch steps. “Mind giving me a ride? I told Indigo I’d help with the morning feed so you can get back to Lellie.”

I nodded and climbed into the driver’s seat before turning the vehicle around and heading for the barn. When we arrived, Way took off with Indigo toward the farther pastures while I headed up to the apartment.

Tully had Lellie on one hip while he scrambled eggs with his free hand. He was shirtless and sleepy-faced. His hair stuck up on one side, and his voice was scratchy as he murmured to her about breakfast.

My heart took a wild detour toward fantasies of domestic bliss for a split second until I reined it in.

“Mornin’,” I called. “Thanks for getting her up.”

His eyes met mine but then skittered away as he made a sound of acknowledgment. I walked over and took her out of his arms. “You ready to get dressed while Tully finishes up?”

She tucked her head against my chest and melted my heart. I gave her a quick hug, then chuckled as she squirmed out of my hold and demanded to be put down. Jo Blake said she’d never seen a child so determined to stand on her own two feet at this age. “Stubborn,” she’d said. “Like her father.”

I’d dismissed it at the time, but maybe she was right.

Maybe Silas was, too.

Once Lellie was dressed, I brought her to the breakfast table, but as we ate, the silence between Tully and me grew excruciating. I considered ways to break the tension, but I couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t offensive or ridiculous. He all but ignored me, speaking happily to Lellie and only engaging with me when absolutely necessary.

I scrambled for a way to get us all out of this. “I’m taking Lellie to Three Daughters for a hike. Would you like to come?”

Maybe if we could get away from the ranch, get outside in the summer sun, and move our bodies, we’d find a way to get past this awkward discomfort. And maybe I could ask Tully’s advice about what Silas and I had discussed.

Tully cleared his throat and refused to meet my eyes. “Thanks for including me, but I have a couple of important calls and a ton of work to catch up on. Maybe you can enjoy the day together, just the two of you.”

His rejection of my invitation stung, but I understood. Why would he want to spend the day with someone who ran hot and cold like a temperamental faucet?

After we finished eating and cleaning up, I packed up enough snacks, drinks, and supplies for an army before moving Lellie’s car seat from Tully’s rental to my SUV.

I headed into town first to Lake Sports, where I’d seen a hiking backpack that Lellie could ride in.

Jackson Painter greeted me as soon as I walked in. “Hey, Dev, who’s this?” His smile was wide for Lellie. I introduced her by name, avoiding explaining that she was my daughter. I didn’t want to have to explain the situation or deal with future questions about her when… or, okay, if… she didn’t end up staying with me.


