In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

From below, a sea breeze blew close, making her hair whip against her back. She inhaled the scent of the sea with another sigh before opening her eyes. The view beyond the school’s walls beckoned and she leaned forward happily, settling her elbows on the marbled top of the balustrade.

Situated on top of a towering cliff, GAYL boasted of idyllic views of a tropical paradise, a sight Mairi knew she would never grow weary of. It was located right in the center of Oneroi, which translated to ‘dreams’ in English. That literally made Mairi a resident of a place called the Island of Dreams, and it was aptly named with its turquoise waters and white powder-fine sandy beaches, along with the emerald hills in the south and the glittery resort town up north.

The sound of lapping waves was like a lullaby, and Mairi let out a big yawn.

“Ms. Yay?”

She immediately snapped to attention, feeling guilty for being caught yawning as she turned around. Mairi sighed with relief when she saw that it was one of her Class E students and not Charity. The other woman had a tendency to snoop around in hopes of catching one of her teachers violating any of Rose’s gazillion rules.

“Hello, Diana,” Mairi said cheerfully, gesturing for the younger girl to join her on one of the rattan benches nearby.

After a moment’s hesitation, Diana came forward and lowered herself on the padded bench. Dark haired and doe-eyed, the young girl was like the huntress goddess come to life, only this time Diana’s vibrant loveliness hid a very shy nature.

But shy really wasn’t the right word to describe Diana, Mairi thought with a pang. If she had to be honest, Mairi would have described the fifteen year old as insecure. It was a painful sight, seeing how someone as pretty, smart, and wealthy as Diana Leventis could be so lacking in self-esteem.

Since she had started teaching in GAYL, Mairi had made it her personal goal to make Diana more confident. Hoping to make the girl more comfortable, Mairi said with mock severity, “You must stop calling me that, you know.”

The younger girl visibly relaxed at the light-hearted subject, even saying teasingly, “But Ms. Yay—-”

Mairi groaned. “You girls are bullies! Will you never let me forget about that? I was just really happy to start teaching in Greece!”

Diana’s profile became visibly less tense even as she remained seated with a straight back. “I don’t think anyone of us will forget it, Miss.”

The fond look on the girl’s face made Mairi wince. She knew Diana was recalling every embarrassing second of that incident.

Diana started to giggle. “Oh, Miss. I can remember every moment—-”

“Please don’t.” But it was useless since Mairi’s brain had also started to recall the incident – every embarrassing second of it.

It had been her first day to teach in GAYL and Rose had made a huge deal out of it, taking the time to introduce Mairi to the entire student body during the morning ceremony. Rose had boasted about Mairi being the author of a bestselling phrasebook on Amazon and raved about her fluency in several languages as well as her ability to read hieroglyphics.

“And so without further ado, I present to you Ms. Mairi Tanner, the most eloquent individual you would probably ever meet in your life.”

Rose had then gestured for her to ascend to the stage and she had done so with quaking knees, her underarms perspiring at the sight of over a thousand students gazing at her expectantly.

A microphone had then been thrust into her hands.

Rose had nodded at her encouragingly.

Stage fright kicked in, followed by mental block, and as the silence extended, Mairi whispered weakly in the microphone, “Yay me?”

It took over a second for the students to recover from their shock before they all laughed good-naturedly and gave her a standing ovation. She had been nicknamed Ms. Yay after that.

Wincing at the memory, Mairi smacked her own forehead. “That was seriously the most embarrassing moment of my life.”

Diana giggled even more.

“It’s not that funny,” Mairi grumbled.

“It is. But in a good way, Ms. Yay.”

“Hmph,” was all she said, which for some reason made Diana laugh harder.

When the girl’s laughter died down, Mairi asked very casually, “Has your family arrived?” From what little Diana had confided to her in the past, Mairi had pieced enough of the girl’s history to realize that Diana felt terribly neglected by her widowed mother.

Diana shook her head, her silky ebony hair swaying against her school jacket as she did. “Mother is too busy for something like this.” She spoke with perfect English – too perfectly, in her opinion. It was strange, but Mairi had a feeling that getting Diana to say ‘yeah’ rather than ‘yes’ would be one of her biggest accomplishments in her teaching career.

“And your brother?” she prompted. Not much was written about Diana’s only sibling, Damen Leventis, but then again he was a Greek billionaire who owned one of the largest media empires in the world. If he wanted the paparazzi to shut up about him, then it would.


