Illicit Read Online Free Books Novels by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 68195 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 273(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

With eyes locked I licked her pussy lips, spreading them open with my fingers so that I could taste deeper.

She was shades of soft pink there, her innocence plain for me to see as I looked deep into her opening.

I touched the little barrier of skin with my fingertip making her writhe. It was strong that barrier, and I felt great pride and possession, that this was mine, that no one else ever will be here.

I licked her hymen as I closed my eyes in wonder. To think that we had made it here, that we had endured and withstood all that we had to get to this one place.

I positioned myself between her widespread thighs and rubbed my cockhead against her slit with one last reservation.

“This isn’t how I wanted this to go malenkaya.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m ready.” She ran her hands down my back as she tried to impale herself on the hard piece of flesh that now pressed against her entrance.

“Today we fulfill destiny, tonight we become one.” I plunged my cock into her supple body, catching her screams into my mouth.

I held still letting her get use to me inside her. “It will be better soon I promise Milaya.” There were tears running from the corners of her eyes, tears that I licked away, before taking her lips with mine.

My cock throbbed and thumped inside of her tight clasp but I gritted my teeth and bore it. When she moved her hips beneath me I tested her readiness with a few short strokes into her.

Her legs widened farther and her arms came up around me. “I love you Jasmine.” I took her lips with mine as I plunged into her body over and over again.

She sighed into my mouth as we moved together, our bodies perfectly in sync as I felt her relax and take me all the way into her core.

No woman has ever been able to take me like that before, it was almost a shock that her little body could accept all of me.

“Please Thorn, deeper, fill me.” I watched her in amazement as I fed even more of my hard flesh into her.

The bed knocked into the wall as I pounded into her and she moved to meet my every thrust, no matter how hard.

Her nails scraped their way down my back to my ass, where she dug in as she tried to pull me deeper into her.

Here I’d been afraid to go too hard on her, but her fire threatened to consume us both.

We were both in a race to bring each other the greatest pleasure. I bit and sucked every inch of her flesh that was within my reach, leaving my mark on her.

When I came I pushed past her cervix and tipped into her womb where I spilled my seed, while she came around my throbbing cock.

Her body twitched beneath me as her head went back and her eyes rolled back in her head. I held on tight as the last of my seed dripped into her waiting womb.

I felt the change as her body heated up; then I saw the light that hovered above her navel between us.

Her head came up and down and she too saw the light of our son as he found his way to his mother’s womb.

We clasped hands as both with tears on our eyes, watched the miracle as it happened. “My son.” I whispered the words as I felt him, much as I’d felt his mother more than eighteen years ago.

We both broke out in laughter as we rolled around on the bed. “Welcome home Jasmine.” I was still buried inside her, my cock never wanting to leave and her sweet pussy not wanting to let go.

I felt the presence of others as they entered the house though, and knew that playtime was over, at least for now.

Outside the wind picked up and reminded me of the unfinished business we had yet to deal with.

“We have to go downstairs, the council will be here soon.”

“Will they be there?”

“Most likely, I don’t want you to worry malenkaya, nothing will ever hurt you again.”

“Can they hurt the baby?”

“No, their time has passed. Tonight will be about what was done in the past.

They must face judgment. I’ve been working really hard in the last year or so to find enough on them, but they’ve covered their tracks well. I won’t give up though, somehow I will find a way to make them pay for what they did to you.”

My last recourse was outright murder, which I had no problem doing if it meant keeping her safe. But the council would frown on it and life would become difficult for a time.

I wanted her transition to be as smooth as possible and so for years I have held back from killing every last one of the Divecki family with my bare hands.


