Illicit Read Online Free Books Novels by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 68195 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 273(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

I really needed to get to the bottom of that, the way he seemed able to control others with a look or a word; first the teacher and now dad.

I let him bundle me up, and head upstairs to my room before he turned and headed for the bathroom. I could hear the water falling into the old claw footed tub that must’ve been here from about the year one.

“I want to take a shower I need to wash my hair.” I yelled this through the door as I undressed and wrapped my robe around me. He came back into the room and just picked me up without saying a word.

He undressed me almost mechanically while I turned red and stiff as a board. I was petrified that he would find my body lacking but he didn’t even seem to be looking.

I’m not sure what was worst, my fear of him rejecting me because of my body, or his seeming indifference. I soon found myself immersed in the warm scented water and he knelt next to the tub with my washcloth in hand.

I would’ve drowned myself from mortification had I not noticed the way he gritted his teeth and tried not to look at my body.

My body reddened farther as he started washing me, and the slight tremble in his hand made me feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

I started to do something sultry with one of my legs like I’d seen in the movies, but he stopped me short.

“Don’t.” He stopped all movement and kept his head down. I was never so giddy in my life as I was in that moment.

This sexy, amazing creature was becoming affected by my nakedness. I wanted to laugh and shout, stand up in the tub and do a butt-shaking dance all at once.

He went back to bathing me and I’m ashamed to say I took dreadful advantage of him, doing everything in my power to get his attention.

I was an unmerciful tease and the slight smile on his cheek told me he knew exactly what I was up to. I bent my leg and ran my fingers teasingly down the inside of my thigh.

My heart was going gangbusters in my chest as I played the vixen. Something I must admit I’d never even contemplated being before, but found great joy in.

“You’re playing with fire Milaya. Now behave yourself and let me finish what I have started before you catch a chill again.”

Where was the fun in that? I didn’t say it out loud, but when he made as if to get up and leave I knew he got the message.

“Okay, okay I’ll stop.” But now that I knew my body had that affect on him, there was no end to the things I would do to torment him in the coming days.

I never stopped to wonder at my sudden boldness, or the feeling of freedom I got by just being near him, or from his reaction to my nakedness.

He made me feel like something other than myself; when I was with him, I forgot that I was nondescript and plain. Instead I felt desirable and beautiful. “You are.”

Two little words that fed my heart like nothing else ever could. It was amazing that just a few short days ago I had decided to have nothing to do with him, now it felt as if I would die without him.

He washed my body like it was made of spun glass, his hands gentle and loving as they moved over me. The fire in his eyes told me that he wasn’t at all indifferent to me like I’d first believed. “I can’t kiss you now Milaya, it’s too dangerous.”

How did he know I was dying to feel his lips on mine? My skin burned and my heart constricted, there was a need inside me that I had no name for.

I moved in the tub and the water swirled around me, even that seemed to have a sensual element to it. I wanted to touch my breasts in the worst way and realized almost surprisingly that my hands had come up on their own and was doing just that.

My eyes felt like liquid heat and that place between my legs hurt. I bit into my lip to keep myself from crying out from the pleasure that coursed through my body like heated lava, leaving me shaky and breathless.

He uttered something harshly in his native tongue under his breath as I stared at his mouth. What was happening to me? It felt like I had no control, I knew only need.

The washcloth was long gone from his hand, now there was nothing between his flesh and mine as he caressed the soapy water into my heated flesh.

Wherever he touched my skin singed and I felt needy. “Please…” I had no idea what I was begging him for; I only knew that he had the answers.


