I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

“That why you’re so grumpy?” But Jen is smiling as she turns her gaze toward Abel. “He must be hanging out with you.”

Abel, who’s been watching our exchange, glowers. “Blue balls is no laughing matter, Jen.”

“Sounds like you’re an expert in that area, Abel.”

“You got no idea.”

Jen laughs. “Did I finally figure it out? Why you’re always in a bad mood?”

“I’m not always in a bad mood,” he growls.

“Also not true.” Tuck climbs down from the ladder, wiping his face on his sleeve. “Abel gets laid plenty, though.”

“So do you,” Abel shoots back.

Lu glances at me, lips twitching. “Sounds like everyone on this island’s getting laid quite a lot these days.”

Jen sighs. “Maybe I really should move here.”

Tuck leans down to pick up Katie. “Only been asking you to join us for how many years now?”

“Hi, Katie.” I give her a wave.

She waves back. “Hi, Uncle Riley.”

“I think I actually might do it this time,” Jen says. “Make the move. Why not?”

I don’t miss the tick in Abel’s jaw. “You’ve said that for years now.”

“Maybe I mean it this time.”

Abel runs a hand over his face. “Always getting our hopes up.”

Then he pushes off the dock and abruptly walks away.

Lu looks between his retreating back and Jen’s wistful expression. “I know I’m new here, but I think he might be into you.”

“Oh, he’s definitely into her,” I reply.

Tuck gives me a dark look. “Don’t.”

“You know I’m a thirty-year-old human adult, right?” Jen asks him. “I’m allowed to . . . ahem, have fun with other adult humans. The male ones.”

“Have all the fun you want. Just don’t do it with Abel.”

Jen rolls her eyes. Lu grins. She’s enjoying this as much as I am.

“What’s wrong with Abel?” Lu asks.

“Everything,” Tuck and I reply in unison.

“Abel is mean,” Katie adds.

“You been through enough, Jen,” Tuck says. “Don’t add that guy’s bull s-h-i-t to your plate. You deserve better’n that.”

Lu leans toward Jen. “He is really cute, though.”

“Hey!” I say.

“Don’t,” Tuck repeats. He hands Katie to Jen. “Here, y’all go swim or . . . something. Stay away from the rip current. And from Abel.”

Coop claps my shoulder. “This sounds interesting. Abel perving out on Jen again?”

“Y’all.” Tuck grabs his ladder. “I’m outta here.”

“He says that like we all don’t know he’s the one perving out on his nanny.” Coop shakes his head. “Besides, you’re an usher, so you have to stay here.”

Jen heads for the beach. “Y’all have fun.”

“Is Abel, like, trouble, or . . .?” Lu asks.

I shake my head. “At his core, Abel is a good guy.”

“A complicated one,” Cooper replies. “But a good guy nonetheless.”

Tucker grimaces. “Would you want him dating your sister?”

“I wouldn’t be friends with him if I didn’t,” I reply.

“That’s a lie,” Tuck says.

Cooper grins. “You’re right. I’d rip his fucking head off if he even touched one of my cousins. Much less a sister.”

“Bro code?” Lu asks.

Tuck shrugs. “Sorta. It’s not like I’m trying to be a caveman. But it’s disrespectful, a friend coming on to a family member like that.” He glances at Abel, who’s far enough down the boardwalk to be out of earshot. “Especially when you know what that friend is capable of.”

“But you’re still okay with setting your dad up with Lady, right?” Lu asks. “If my aunt drops one more horny innuendo, I’m going to scream.”

Tuck holds up a hand, which Lu slaps. “Damn right we’re making it happen.”

Cooper glances over my shoulder. “I think we’re about to start—Goldie’s waving at us. Y’all ready to do this thing?”

“I got the rings.” I pat my front pocket. “Not really, but that’s where I’ll keep them tomorrow.”

Tuck folds his arms. “I got the shotgun.”

“That’s everything, then.” Lu claps her hands. “Let’s do it.”



Missing Thumbs & Shotguns

“I mean, not gonna lie, I’m going to be bummed if it monsoons like they say it’s going to.” Goldie offers Alex, Stede’s bartender, a tight smile as he hands her a frosty mocktail. “But it is what it is at this point.”

I rub her shoulder. “You’re allowed to be bummed. Totally legit response to rain on your wedding day. But the forecast says there’s only a seventy percent chance—”

“Ninety. They just updated it. And not just rain, thunderstorms. Lots of them.”

“Aw, Goldie. I’m sorry. The weather here changes quickly. It could be monsooning one minute and sunny the next.”

“Not before that monsoon blows away all the tents we’re having set up.”

“Lucky for us, your husband-to-be has a friend the size of a tank who can set them all right back up.”

That makes Goldie crack a smile. “It’d be a Tuck wet T-shirt contest.”

“I don’t think anyone would mind that.”

“At least the rehearsal was beautiful,” she replies with a sigh.

It really was. Everyone showed up on time, and everything went smoothly. Goldie and Coop both teared up when the minister, a man from a church over in South Port, gave everyone a sneak peek of the ceremony. We all laughed when Coop went in for a kiss well before it was time. Against the backdrop of an epic sunset, the whole thing was magical.


