Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

Michael has lived for another for so long I feel it’s wrong to tell him he shouldn’t do as he pleases. I can only hope he’s wise enough not to do anything to hurt Symphony and make me kick his arse.

“She will be my guest, Valentina. I will find her other accommodations as soon as I can. For now, staying here under the Briggs’ roof isn’t going to cut it,” Michael says.

I cut my eyes to him as I don’t care for his tone. He takes a calming breath and turns to begin pacing. Michael has a heart for those who are in need of help.

I understand why he wants to help this broken woman, but she might be more of a challenge than his wife. Julissa is fragile. She is not made for a man as complicated as Michael.

“I would like to say something,” Julissa speaks up.

“Please don’t,” Val and Annabella say in unison.

Annabella is another who’s not in favor of the relationship Michael seems to be developing with this woman. This is going to need an alternative solution. I will not have this tension in my home.

“I only wanted to say that it’s okay. I am safe from my past. I can handle myself from here. I will get a room at a hotel while I figure things out,” Julissa says.

“That sounds about right to me,” Valentina sings.

“Love, come on now⁠—”

“Uri, don’t even bother.” She cuts me off and rolls her eyes.

“I will move somewhere else, and you can stay there with me,” Michael says.

“Ugh,” Val grumbles.

“Oh, great. Will you be going to Boston and taking her there with you?” Annabella taunts.

Michael’s expression turns to a murderous one. I quickly move to his side and place a hand on his shoulder. This is not the time for this, although I agree with Annabella.

“Michael, it’s okay. I’ll be fine,” Julissa says.

As I stand beside Michael, Tina stands from her seat and walks over to where Julissa is sitting. She leans down into her face. I clench my jaw and tighten my hold on Michael’s shoulder.

“I don’t like you. I don’t know what kind of spell you put on my brother-in-law, but I’m going to find a way to break it and get your ass away from my family and friends.

“After all you have done, I’ll be damned if I sit around and allow you to smile up in their faces like you belong here. We have no more use for you. You should be gone. You’re lucky you’re still breathing,” Val snarls.

With that, she straightens and walks out of the room with Annabella close on her heels. I close my eyes and thank Christ Val didn’t pull a gun to shoot her. I’m sure it crossed her mind.

“That could have been worse,” I breathe.

“We shouldn’t be judged by the sins of our past. Name one of us who would be free of judgment,” Michael snarls and tugs away from me.

He storms from the room without a glance back. Looking after him, I narrow my eyes. This isn’t about Julissa.

She is only a symptom of the turmoil he’s going through regarding something else. She is something to focus on so he doesn’t have to deal with his reality. I don’t think she will be around for long.

This too shall pass.

“Uri, I⁠—”

I hold up a hand to cut her off as I move to leave the room. I am not a fool. I will not be placed in a situation that could cost me everything.

“If you want to keep your life, never talk to me while my wife isn’t in the room. Never find yourself in any room I am in alone. If you want these women to respect you, you have to start with giving them respect first. Build their trust back or disappear now,” I say as I leave the room.


I know I shouldn’t be angry with Valentina or anyone else here who doesn’t like the idea of Julissa’s presence. She has done some foul things. However, I don’t know that side of her.

Since we met, I’ve known a timid, gentle woman. I have been around her enough to know she’s uncomfortable here and only wants to belong. I’ve done my best to be kind. However, I believe I’ve been kind for selfish reasons.

“Will I have to write a check for that punching bag before we leave?”

I close my eyes and hold the heavy bag still. I came to the gym to blow off some steam. Val has a right to say when she doesn’t want someone in her home.

“Are you ready to talk to me about what’s going on? This has nothing to do with Julissa, does it?”

“I don’t feel like talking,” I bite out.

“Fine, then we fight until you are ready to talk.”

I turn to find Uri taking off his shirt and folding it neatly. I sigh. He might be forty, but Uri still kicks my ass when we spar. However, today, I’m in the mood for this. I take my shirt off and toss it aside. Uri lifts his fists, and I move to join him.


