Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

I know who his wife really is. She is one of us. A hitter.

At times, I have wished Sim could be by my side in all of this. Then I realize how ridiculous that is. This darkness shouldn’t belong to anyone.

“I may not have a choice,” I mutter to myself.

I may have to go to America. Italy has been compromised. Leonardo has gotten too close to our home.

He is forcing my hand. I will either have to reveal myself or I will be revealed. This vise grip and my confusion about what happened with Symphony have strained my vision.

It feels like I no longer have a purpose. I feel nothing. Bitterness always fills me.

I’ve been lost since the day Sim left without a word. Leonardo kept me from running after her. He had me ambushed the day I decided to head to Boston for answers.

Sim wouldn’t answer my calls. I had no idea what I did wrong. However, after the attack, I knew her leaving was for the best.

It happened between the properties, so I couldn’t be sure if it was an attack meant for me or Uri. The real supposed husband of Symphony. Now that Uri is married to a Caprisi, this cover we have kept will be blown soon.

I’m infuriated with the situation. Not that my brother has found happiness, but the fact that his new life threatens all I have been protecting for the last fourteen years. Now, I move with rage.

It’s only been five months, but I have been on a warpath during this time. Leonardo has only fueled my rage and the fire building inside. If I can’t get to him, I will kill everyone he sends and anyone connected to them until they give him up or give me the proof I need for the families to okay his kill.

These German bastards are only the latest victims he has sent my way. It wasn’t hard to find them. Their arrogance led me straight to them. I enter the old run-down hideout I’ve followed them to from the bar.

To sit in one of my cities and speak so freely of your crimes is like buying the Grim Reaper a first-class ticket to your funeral. You might as well go running through the streets screaming silenzio. I don’t think they know they have been calling my fucking name, but I’m here to answer.

Pulling my gun with the silencer already in place, I shoot out the lame surveillance cameras they have in place. Then, like a thief in the night, I move through their hideout like a freight train. I hit hard and fast. There are about twenty of them to one me, but you wouldn’t know that by the time I have the last one by the back of his hair as I walk him through the carnage I’ve left behind.

“Please, I have son,” he says in a heavy Czech accent.

“Not German,” I murmur to myself.

“No, I get job through cousin smuggling in Germany. He runs with Germans. I come along to drive. I know nothing more.”

“That’s a shame. I hope your son learns to make better choices from his next father.”

With that, I blow his brains out and drop him in front of the door I came in through. I double back to a room on the second floor that grabbed my attention. There is blood everywhere.

As I walk into the room in question, the sound of someone gasping for breath fills the air. I grab the case I noticed then turn to put a bullet through the head of the gasping bastard leaning against the wall. Stepping over another body, I leave as quickly as I came in.


“Shit, Sim. How do you plan to get out of this one?” Adriano hisses through the comm.

His assistance was needed for this job. I don’t normally take jobs like this one, but I needed to get out some of this pent-up frustration. I miss Michael.

All I could think about when I woke up on his chest in that bathtub was Ellen Mairettie’s words. I’ve done some more research on the woman and found she’s from a family of Gypsies.

A few of them are known for fortune-telling to the underground world. Before meeting Ellen, I don’t think I would have subscribed to such things, but now I refuse to play with Michael’s life to find out the truth from experience.

“Answer me. Are you okay in there?” Adriano demands.

I sigh and roll my eyes. If I’m supposed to be hiding, how can I answer? And people talk to me and treat me like I’m slow.

I roll my eyes again. I’m going to have to fight my way out before he storms his way in here and gets us both killed. Now I wish I had come on my own.

The dojo beneath me holds my three targets, but they have security with them. This shouldn’t be the case. I was told it would only be the three.


