Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

Meanwhile, she has been working on the buttons of my shirt, revealing my skin to her soft touch. I look down to watch her brown hands glide over my chest. I groan as her touch heats my skin.

I find her core soaked. As I push my fingers into her sex, I rub her nub with my thumb. She cries out and drops her head back against the window.

“Michael,” she gasps.

Pulling my fingers from her dripping sex, I then shrug out of my shirt. Her eyes glaze over with lust as she takes me in. I reach for her kiss-swollen lips and drag my thumb down them.

“God, you’re gorgeous. So fucking beautiful, bella. I want you so much.”

“Please, Micheal, I want you too,” she breathes.

Her voice has taken on a sultry tone, dripping with desire. Leaning in, I take her lips once again. While kissing her deeply, I release my belt and unfasten my pants.

As we continue to kiss, I rub my length against her wet pussy lips. She wiggles her hips to get closer, causing me to slip in. Instead of pulling back, I thrust forward.

I wake with a gasp. Sweat soaks my hair, causing it to stick to my face. Reaching up, I push the wet locks from my face.

I glance around the room as I catch my breath. My cock twitches beneath the sheet, grabbing my attention. I wrap my hand around it and squeeze.

“Fuck,” I grunt.


Become Like Him


I dress in a black T-shirt and sweatpants and put on my black jogging sneakers. Today, I put my plan into motion. Michael doesn’t want me to come home because I’m not like him.

I want to go home. I want to be with him. So, I plan to become just like my husband. I will be an assassin for hire.

Uri has told me all about what they do for the families, my nonno’s and the Donatis. They make the bad guys go away. Michael said we don’t kill innocent people or those who don’t deserve it.

I can’t kill for my family like he does, but there has to be a way for me to show him we can be the same. I know just who to ask to help me. Once dressed, I make my way down to the kitchen, where I know I will find him.

Adriano is standing at the kitchen island with his coffee. He is already dressed for our morning run. I walk over to him and stand at his side. He looks down at me with a surprised expression.

“I want to talk to you. I need your help.”

“Okay, you need my help with what? I’m no good at those lifts and things. I hope that’s not what you need.”

His cheeks flush as he says the words. I asked him to help me once as I tried to work out a new routine when I was asked to do a piece with a partner. That didn’t go well at all.

“I will not ask you to put your hands next to my vagina today. You don’t have to worry about that,” I say.

Adriano chokes on his sip of coffee. I pat him on the back and reach for a towel to hand him. He looks at me with wide eyes.

“Some days.” He shakes his head. “What do you need, Sim?”

“I need you to help me find clients.”


“Yes, individuals who want my services.”

He looks at me skeptically. He turns to me and leans his hip against the island. I take a step back as I note that I have entered too far into his personal space.

“What service are we talking about?”


He narrows his eyes at me. I stand with my chin held high. I try to force eye contact, but it doesn’t last long.

“Explain to me what exactly is going on in your head,” he says after a few beats.

“Michael doesn’t want me home because I’m not like him. I have to prove I can be like him. I have trained.

“I have the skills. I’ve just never applied them. I will start my own assassin company.

“I will perform hits for hire. You will help me to find clients. You will also keep this secret until I am ready to expose myself,” I explain.

He scoffs. “That’s not going to happen. Michael and Uri both would kill me.”

He folds his arms across his chest as he glares at me. I release an exasperated breath. I thought this would be easier.

“If they don’t find out, then they won’t kill you. Did I not say you are to keep this a secret? If you die, it will be because you are a poor liar or you spoke when you shouldn’t have.”

“You are crazy,” he says, allowing his accent to slip.

“No. That is not a part of my disorder. I am quite sane, actually. I’m on the spectrum, not crazy. Now stop calling me names and assist me. I will pay you handsomely for your help.”


