Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

“No doubt he would have told you what I already know. Don Locatelli wasn’t at my restaurant for a friendly visit.”

“I have already figured that out,” Uri says.

“Yes, well. I was trying to get permission to sanction a hit on my brother. He is the one behind all of this. He has been plotting to take me out and become the head of the family.

“No one wants this. At least no one who hasn’t already lost their mind. Leonardo only wants power. Give him a little; he will always clamor for more.

“However, he has taken my grief as a moment to strike. He has made friends with the heads of some of the other families. If I move against him, it will start a war Don Locatelli doesn’t believe any of us are ready for,” he explains.

“You were denied?” Uri says incredulously.

“For now. Leonardo knows I have no son to pass the family to. I had arranged a marriage for my Emma, but with her death, that plan died with her.

“Carmelita wasn’t of Italian blood or even my blood at all, but I had planned to leave her everything regardless. All I needed was to find her a suitable husband of full Italian blood. Don Locatelli had planned to back me.

“I had planned to call Carmelita home to set up the arrangement. I believe this is what set Leonardo off. My Symphony is my last hope to continue my bloodline’s name and keep the Trovati family alive.

“I will now leave my family to her. She will need an Italian husband to run the family with when I am gone. However, this places a target on her back.

“I need to keep her safe from my brother and hidden until the time comes for her and her husband to take my place. Leonardo will challenge them for the title, but he mustn’t be allowed to take this from her,” he says firmly.

Uri releases an amused snort. “I have known you since I was sixteen. You saved me from a life far worse than the one I live now. I have respect for you and see you as family, but I know you’re not asking me for what I think you are.”

“Yes, I am. You are ruthless. My brother will think twice about crossing you or the Donati family. Think of the power you will have once you become the don of the Trovati family.

“I will feel like I’ve left my family to a son. You are right; I have watched you grow into a man. At sixteen, I saw something in you and I know you will do right by my granddaughter and my family,” Don Trovati says.

“Have you lost your bloody mind? She’s fourteen. I am twenty-four.

“Will she even understand what you are asking of her? Do you think we haven’t noticed? Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”

“I was well aware you would do your research before going to collect her. I knew you would find out. I had hoped that would help sway you.

“You have a heart for those who need someone to protect them. You try to ignore that you do, but it’s there. She is vulnerable.

“Leonardo will find her as an easy target. You are one of the best. She will be safe with you.”

“So I’m to take a child bride because of our friendship? I don’t even think she likes me.”

I look at Uri and can see he’s conflicted. Don Trovati means a lot to him. However, this is a colossal ask.

My brother has enough on his plate. He is still trying to keep me and my siblings safe from enemies who have no name or face. Only a past of violence toward our family.

“Think of all you have to gain from this. You will be Don Trovati. Your own family to run.

“All of my investments and connections will be yours. All you have to do is marry my granddaughter and keep her hidden away. You can still live your life as you please.

“Please, Uri. This is my only option. If my brother takes over this family, he will run it into the ground and he will probably start a war among the families in the process.

“You will be doing us all a favor. Don Locatelli will be in full support if you do this. Your name alone will cause my brother to think twice,” he pleads.

“What if I do it?” I say before I can stop the words.

Uri whips his head in my direction and glares at me. I know I’m to be silent, but something protective rises within. I don’t like the idea of leaving Symphony vulnerable to this bastard who wants power that isn’t his.

She’s a sweet kid. I know I can hide her away and keep her safe. I’ve learned so much from Uri in the last year. I have so much more to learn, but I can keep Symphony safe in the meantime.


