Hot Shot – A Bad Boy Sports Romance Read online Lulu Pratt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 65354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

I did once he was sucking on my clit and fucking me with his hand. I cried out his name and gripped his hair as Ryder held tight through my pounding orgasm. “Oh my God.”

He insisted on going to his bed for the next part, and I agreed in a sleepy voice. Ryder lifted me and carried me before excusing himself to get some water. I slipped off my jeans and relaxed, smiling as I inhaled his scent that hovered in the air.

He brought back some water, and we cuddled in bed together. We made love more, and I fell asleep tucked against him.

In the morning, we talked on the couch over coffee. He had the scores on TV turned down low, and I watched him as I sipped the steaming liquid in my cup.

“You know that I never thought I’d be able to handle any violence. Perhaps the better word is aggression.”

Ryder looked at me with warmth in his eyes.

“I thought that if I hid from it, I could forget what happened. Not that I saw anything, but I still hear her screams sometimes.” I shuddered, and he pulled me gently against him.

“They told me in therapy that I had post-traumatic stress from the incident, and we talked through it, but I still avoided anything that I deemed harmful. Poor Tori had to ease me into going out in the city and being around crowds. It was awful.”

“I can imagine.” He kissed my hair. “That first game, it triggered you?”

“A bit. I just needed to get out of there. What happened last night? You were different.” I was curious after seeing the opposing players pushing him.

“I knew going in that game might be a problem. One of the guys hates me. I could have reacted and gotten in a fight. I spent a lot of time in the sin bin with some teams, but you were there. I decided to let it go and use my skills to prove myself.” He smiled at me. “It hurt like fuck when they pulled their shit, but I take care of myself. I knew I would be fine.”

“I don’t want you to hold back for me, Ryder. Hockey is your passion,” I murmured as he turned his body towards mine.

“So are you. It felt good to beat them with goals over fists. We won, and that’s the desired result.” Ryder kissed me as warmth filled me, and I slipped my arms around him. I pressed closer to him, and we moved together slowly. We ended up making love with me on top, rocking hard and slow on top of him. When I came, he took over the movements and then held me against him. “I told the guys I’d work out tonight. I know they’re dying to know what happened last night.” I laughed and buried my face in his neck.

“I have an early shift at the store,” I murmured as he stroked my hair back.

“You haven’t quit that job?” he asked as I stared at him. His face broke into a smile, and he pecked my nose.

“No. I am still painting during my downtime, but I love that job. It centers me, and I am only part-time,” I explained, and he nodded. “I haven’t made it yet.”

“You will.” He kissed me again, and I moaned gently, loving the feel of his arms around me. We stayed on the couch until he had to leave, and we walked to our cars together. He kissed me hard and asked me if he could stay the night at my place if I didn’t want to come back to his. I told him to call me and he promised that he would before we went our separate ways. I headed home and smiled as I walked into my house, playing everything back in my mind. My phone rang and I saw that it was Tori, dropping to the couch to talk to her. We discussed the night before and she told me how proud she was that I made it so well through the game. I told her how I went home with Ryder and that I was falling harder for him. We both knew that I was growing and moving away from my tragedy, and Tori encouraged me to keep going.

Once we ended the call, I went into my studio. I had a sunset in mind that I watched recently on a hike and wanted to capture it through art. I had sold every painting at the show and had some to work on for clients as well as a smaller gallery in town. It was enough work to keep me busy along with the bookstore, and I had some of my own self-made money in savings for a change. It was nice, and I listened to music through my small speaker as I brushed paint to give the sunset an edgier look.


