His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

I check my bag, making sure I have a change of clothes, shoes, hair bag, and makeup bag. I wear normal clothes to The Velvet Lounge, get ready there, and do my stage sets. I’m realizing how lucky I am that this county in Florida doesn’t allow full nudity while dancing in the main bar area; what happens in the back is not my business. I don’t accept offers from gentlemen or women in the lap dance arena or to be booked for a private dance in the backrooms. I’m here to dance, make some money, and leave.

“I’m ready now!” Briar shouts through the house. I hurriedly zip my backpack and slide it on my shoulder.

“I couldn’t tell.” I bend down to touch her nose with mine. “I heard the wheels before you. Ready to go to Auntie Lennie’s and Uncle Ash’s?”

“Duh, they have better snacks than you do. No offense.” Not only does Briar look exactly like me, but she also has my personality, which means the sass comes free of charge.

“Yeah, yeah.” I stand up and grab the keys off the side table near the door. I’ve slowly been putting my stamp on our new home, mainly in the form of décor. Lennie took her favorite pieces to my brother’s but left things she knew I’d need because while our furniture from the apartment was decent, hers is way better and much more my style. I’ve managed to meld things together, you know, in between our hectic life. There are still a few boxes I’ve put in the laundry room that I need to go through, but we’ve yet to use them since moving in here, so, surely, they aren’t a necessity.

“Come on, Mommy.” Briar pushes me toward the door, her small hands hitting my thighs, and I work on opening the door.

“I’m going to put my bag in the car. Go ahead and walk over there. I’ll be right behind you,” I tell her. When it comes to spending the night or visiting with family or extended family, she’s always in a rush.

“’Kay.” My eyes trek her movements while I’m shutting the front door and locking it behind us. The good thing about borrowing my mom’s car is it has keyless entry and remote start. I’m down the front porch steps, opening the car door, dropping my bag in the passenger seat, and high-stepping it to my brother and future sister-in-law’s. I want to say my goodbyes to Briar before she’s in the house and asking to swim.

“Come here, you little rascal.” I dart behind her just as she’s about to knock on the door. My arm bands around her stomach, and I burrow my nose in her hair while lightly tickling her.

“Mommy, you’re silly.” She giggles and wiggles. “Aunt Lennie, help! The tickle monster is trying to get me!”

“Oh, I think I’ll get in on the action,” Lennie says, going in for Briar. I let my girl go so her aunt can do her thing.

“No, where’s Uncle Ash? He’ll save me,” Briar says in between fits of giggles.

“Sorry, Bri, he’s at the station tonight. You’re stuck with me. Will baking cookies work in his place?” We all settle down from laughing and saying hello.

“Yes.” My little girl drags out the ‘s’ at the end of her word and is quick to add, “Don’t tell Uncle Ash.” She puts her finger to her mouth for emphasis.

“Alright, come here, you, before you get lost in a sea of sugar.” Briar detours from heading into the house. I squat down, preparing for the tackle hug she’s known for giving me, and hold her tightly.

“Love you, Mommy,” she says.

“I love you so much. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Be good, okay?” I reply.

“I’m always good.” There’s that spunk. She’s the best.

“Yeah, I know.” I squeeze her one last time then stand up, allowing her to go look at what I’m sure are all the goodies inside waiting for her.

“Thank you, Lennie. I appreciate you helping me out.” It doesn’t matter if I ask or she asks. I’m forever grateful.

“You’re welcome, but you know I love having her with or without your brother. Plus, she sends him a bunch of selfies, and he grumbles about missing out on our fun times together,” Lennie jokes.

“Still, I’m thankful, and I promise you won’t have her tomorrow. It’s Valentine’s Day, and Asher is off. Plus, Mom and Mike are planning some kind of evening where they all get dressed up, go out to dinner, and I’m sure take the princess shopping.” They go above and beyond. Everyone does, really, and I’m reminded by their random acts of kindness just how much of a village I have.

“Anytime, even if something changes and you need us tomorrow night. We’re here. This is just a speed bump. You’ll get through, and we’ll still be here. Always.” See what I mean? Best future sister-in-law ever. I’m either overtired or my period is rearing its ugly head, because tears try to surface. Lennie sees it. “Come here.” She pulls me into her arms, hugging me like she knows this is exactly what I need. While you get hugs from your child and your family, sometimes, this type of being held is what you truly need, and she gets it. God, does she get it.


