His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“I just wanna see my daughter,” Chris says from the sidewalk.

“Yes.” The word comes out more of a yesh with her face buried in my shoulder.

“Thanks, Lennie.” My girl is transferred yet again. I’d usually insist on carrying her, especially with my future sister-in-law so newly pregnant, except I really need to get down there. I love my brother, and I love Trent. I also love that they want to protect Briar and me, but I can’t let them fight all of my battles.

“No worries at all. Come on, pipsqueak, let’s get you settled and turn on some cartoons.” Lennon is going to be an amazing mom. She’s done this before in the form of raising her sister, Minnie. I stick around for a few more seconds, watching as they walk inside, but as soon as the door closes, I turn on my heel, run down the steps, and move between the two men staring angrily at Briar’s biological father.

“You know the rules,” Trent grunts.

“I’m in the area. Didn’t think seeing Briar for a few minutes would mean facing a firing squad,” Chris states.

“Chris, stop, please stop while you’re ahead,” I say, coming to stand between Asher and Trent. They could easily snap Chris in half, which I really don’t want to happen. The luck I’ve had this week, minus Trent and I finding our way together, obviously, I wouldn’t put it past Briar to be standing at the window watching it all unfold.

“A few minutes. Let me say hi,” he tries.

“No,” Asher barks.

“Buddy, this is not how things work. Kennedy has been more than lenient with this situation. She could have taken you to court ten times by now. You don’t pay dick when it comes to your daughter. You let everyone else pick up the pieces you should be putting back together. Damn, man, Briar clung to me when she realized you were here. She’s not even seven, and you’ve hurt her so deeply that she was ready to crawl inside me to hide when she heard your voice.” I hear Asher making a grunting noise. Pissed as hell is what he is, rightfully so. My brother has picked her up when I couldn’t, been there when I had to work two jobs, and where has Chris been? In the wind somewhere.

“Kennedy.” I raise my hand to stop Chris.

“I’m not budging on this. Next time, call.” I can hear the footsteps in the distance coming from behind us.

“The fuck is he doing here?” Tysen is pissed; I can feel his presence as well as hear the anger in his voice.

“I think it’s best if you leave now. Call me tomorrow, give me a chance to talk to Briar, and then you can see her.”

“Should have taken his ass to the cleaners,” Matthew, always the lawyer, pipes in.

“Yeah, I’ll do that. I didn’t mean any harm. Was in the area and figured it’d be cool. I’ll call tomorrow.” He puts up his hand in a no-offense gesture. I roll my eyes. He won’t call tomorrow. He’ll forget, and it’ll start this vicious cycle all over again.

“Okay.” I’ve had a lot of time to contemplate life in the past forty-eight hours. Depending on the cost of Trent’s grandma’s car and what I’ll have left over, I’m going to make an appointment with Matthew. He might not practice family law on the regular, and he’s told me so many times he’d be willing to look at my case, so I’m going to take him up on it.

“I’m going back in the house. Thanks, Ash.” I pat his chest then move toward Trent. “Thanks, big guy.” I lift up on my toes, he meets me halfway, and our lips graze one another’s.

“Anytime, babe, see you inside.” He squeezes my hip, his eyes bouncing around and being watchful. Yep, it’s time to head inside. I’ve got a girl to check on and parents to text. Mom and Mike are always kept aware when Chris makes an appearance, and since Briar talks to her Gee-paw, he more than needs to know.

“Damn, I missed all the fun.” Asher snorts at Jude’s assessment. Truth be told, he’s usually in his hidey hole working on a new app he’s developing.

Asher and Trent don’t turn their backs on Chris as he walks away. I do, though. He’s done it so many times to Briar that it’s the least of what he deserves.

“You alright?” Johnny asks, walking toward me.

“Yep, never better. I’m going to go check on my girl. Will you make sure they don’t decide to bust the headlights out of Chris’ car. There’s a good probability it isn’t even his.” He laughs at my statement, knowing it’s more than likely the truth.

“Yeah, girl. I’ll watch out for them,” he replies.

“Thanks, I think I’ve had enough excitement to last me at least a month, if not a year,” I say with a laugh.


