His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“And?” my mother interjects. She’s the literal best and who I’m like the most. Essentially, it’s Briar times three. My poor brother.

“Yes, inquiring minds must know this information,” I say in a teasing tone.

“Wow, you know, I can see where Briar gets her inquisitiveness from. Anyways, as I was saying, he folded like a lawn chair. I believe his exact words were: Trent is a man of his word, he does what he says he will, he loves his family, he loves his friends, he’s steadfast, and he’d be perfect for my sister.” I’m about ready to start sobbing all over again. It seems everywhere I turn, the men in my life are bringing me to tears in the best way possible.

“Asher is right, you know. I never did like Chris,” Mom says in a hushed voice. Very rarely does she speak badly about anyone, especially when Briar is near. “What? I am not wrong. She sees it, more than you know. She also talks to Mike about Chris.” I don’t ask for more information. That’s Briar’s story to tell, and I will never fault her for finding a source who doesn’t judge and will love her regardless of when she needs to vent.

“Have I mentioned how much I love Mike? He’s the best,” Lennie says.

“I lucked out, just like my girls here.” Mom nods to each of us.

“On that, I can wholeheartedly agree. Do you have time for a video call with Momma Catherine today? I have one final touch, and I want both of your opinions.” Asher and Lennie’s wedding date has been pushed up, and with my brother having a plethora of friends while Lennie has a smaller circle, they’ve decided to do away with having anyone standing up for them. They were both adamant about Briar being the flower girl, though, and as much as they’re trying to keep it small, it’s becoming bigger than Lennie could ever imagine.

“Of course. I’m so thankful you’ve included me on everything,” Mom says. The Johnson family is big, I’m talking there are six brothers, plus their wives, then there’s children, and the extended family with Amos and Genevieve. Not to mention the obvious, Lennie’s sister, Minnie. Yep, it’s fast approaching bigger by the minute. Lennie and Asher are taking it in stride, except she’s worrying about the money. My brother isn’t, and neither is our mom, plus I’m sure Mrs. Johnson won’t, either.

“One more thing, I talked to Mike about the whole car situation. We’d like to sell it to you for what you can afford. It’s paid off, has some age and miles on it, and we’d be trading it in within the next couple of years anyways.” Last night, I’d have said yes without hesitating; that was before Trent.

Trent with his stormy looks and panty-melting grins, his deep auburn hair, beard that’s been growing for a while now, and a heart bigger than the size of Texas. A body that would protect you and your daughter by any means necessary.

“Actually, I might have a car lined up.” I shrug my shoulders acting like it’s not a big deal.

“Whatever works for you, honey. The offer is there if something changes.” I didn’t get into the part about Gran and her diagnosis; it’s not my business to tell anyone until she’s damn good and ready. I’m sure once the news gets out, everyone will rally, organize a meal train, and spend as much time as possible with her.

I’m about to follow up her statement when Briar says, “Mommy, look.” She moves away from the table where she has more art supplies than a hobby store. There’s construction paper, crayons, colored pencils, stickers, and glitter glue. My family is slowly learning, after cleaning up numerous amounts of mess with the sparkly shit that seems to be impossible to wipe up, vacuum, or sweep.

“Watcha got there?” I ask, helping her climb into my lap. She’s holding a piece of bright red paper folded into a card. There are pink hearts cut out and glued to the front and star-shaped glitter written on the front.

“It’s a Valentine’s Day card. Open it.” Her wish is my command. Out of the corner of my eye, I see and feel the guys moving closer. Trent skirts his way behind Lennon, coming beside me to watch as I open the card.

“Oh, my baby girl.” My breath catches in my throat, hand going to my mouth. I look from the card to Briar to Trent. There on the card is a drawn version of the three of us.

“It’s you, me, and Trent,” she beams at me.

“How’d you know?” I ask, wondering if everyone knew Trent and I would get together besides, well, the two adults in a relationship.

“Silly mom, you always smile at him.” Mom awes, and Lennie has to wipe beneath her eyes.


