His Omega’s Keeper Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

The bed was positioned directly under the skylight and the moonlight was a silver square that covered the bed and bathed Jake and me in silver. To me, it felt like a spotlight, shining just on us—a mute witness to what was about to happen. The Weres called it a blasphemy—would it really be that bad?

Before I could even try to answer my own question, I felt the blunt head of Jake’s cock nudging between my spread thighs.

“You ready, baby?” he murmured.

“More than ready,” I told him. “Go on, Jake—put yourself inside me.”

With a movement that was, by now, quite familiar, I felt the broad head pushing into the mouth of my pussy. I moaned in pleasure and relief as Jake pushed deeper into me, filling me completely so that he was seated all the way inside my channel.

Well, all except for the knot, which I could feel just outside my pussy. I wiggled a bit, trying to get used to the feeling of him inside me all over again. God, he was so thick!

It’s all right, I told myself Everything is going to be okay. Just relax, be calm…

“All right,” Jake growled at Sorenson. “I’m in her—all but the knot.”

“Very good,” the cult leader purred. “Tainer, please keep them in your sites as I unlock these cuffs,” he went on.

“I got ‘em. One wrong move and somebody’s gonna get aerated.” Tainer came around to the side of the bed, still holding the gun. I turned my head, not wanting to look at him while I was in such an intimate, vulnerable position. I could feel Jake inside me, behind me—tense—waiting for what came next.

Sorenson dug a little silver key attached to a long chain out of his pocket and came around the back of the headboard. Stooping, he unlocked the cuff from Jake’s left wrist and took a quick step back.

“Now Shift,” he commanded Jake. “If he doesn’t, shoot him—someplace non-lethal, of course,” he added, speaking to Tainer.

“Wait a minute,” Jake protested. “I have to breed her a little first—get her warmed up.”

Gripping my hips harder, he pulled all the way out and thrust back into me—hard. Then he did it again…and again and again.

I moaned, not having to fake the painful pleasure. He was filling me so hard—so deep. Deeper and rougher than he had ever taken me before. With every thrust I could feel the thickness of his knot nudging the mouth of my pussy, almost slipping in. Oh God, if it slipped all the way inside me…if it tied us together…

“Holy shit—he’s fuckin’ her hard,” I heard Tainer mutter. “Lookit him go, fuckin’ his own little sister!”

StepSister! I wanted to correct him, but I couldn’t speak at that point—couldn’t do anything but spread my thighs and hang my head, trying to be open enough as I submitted to Jake’s rough thrusts inside me. He was taking me so hard…

And then I felt a sharp pain and I couldn’t help myself—I cried out.

“Jake please—it hurts!” I gasped. Despite all the compounds I’d had from him earlier, it seemed that something had torn somehow. The stinging pain was intense.

Jake froze in mid-thrust and went tense behind me. Then he leaned down and murmured,

“Gods, I’m so sorry, little Ani. I never meant to hurt you.”

I wanted to tell him it was all right, that I loved the feel of him inside me no matter what. But I couldn’t seem to speak…and then he pulled out and began to change.


It happened really fast…and yet it seemed to last forever. First the smooth chest at my back was suddenly covered in soft, dense fur. I felt it brushing my bare skin and a ripple of goosebumps ran over my flesh. The weight above me shifted subtly, getting much heavier and I felt the thickness that had just recently been filling me rubbing against me instead. I could feel it growing too—getting huge—and I had a moment to be thankful that Jake wasn’t still inside me and to hope that no one had noticed he had pulled out.

Luckily, it seemed they were too distracted by his transformation to notice that his shaft was rubbing against me rather than actually in me at this point.

“Holy shit,” I heard Tainer mutter. “He actually did it—Shifted right inside her! He’s fuckin’ her in his fur form!”

“Oh my!” I heard Ophelia breathe in a kind of horrified yet extremely aroused kind of way. “I can’t believe they’re doing that! I wonder what it’s like?”

“You wanna find out, ‘Phelie?” Tainer smirked at her. “I’ll fuck you in fur form—always wanted to do that to a bitch.”

Sorenson was the only one who didn’t seem either horrified or titillated.

“Now the knot!” he commanded Jake. “You must knot her and fill her with your seed!”

Oh God—they were going to see now—were going to notice he wasn’t still in me—I was sure of it. And Tainer was going to shoot Jake or me or both of us!


