Her Possessive Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17048 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 85(@200wpm)___ 68(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

“Oh, God, it’s too soon, isn’t it?” The pitch of her voice changes to a panicked whine. “It’s too soon. I’m embarrassing myself. I should’ve used the three-day rule.” The sudden stream of consciousness is no doubt meant for herself more than me, but it makes me chuckle.

“I’m gonna be honest. If you waited three days to make the call, I’d have thought you forgot about me.” And just as the sentence slips out of my mouth, Victor and Vaughn, my brothers, step into the office.

They’re pulling funny faces at what I said. Victor even goes so far as to flutter his eyelashes at me, like Hana and I have already fallen in love.

Ah, the mockery of brothers.

“I don’t think anyone can forget about you once you’ve barreled into their lives, Vance.” Especially with a rock-hard cock dangling in their face. God, my cheeks still can’t handle the embarrassment of it, and it’s been ages. “But you know, I was thinking . . .”

“That’s usually a sign of bad things to come.”

Vaughn’s turn and he makes kissy faces at me in some schoolyard gesture of teasing. I wave a hand at both of them and turn sideways to avoid any more of their taunting.

I refuse to let them get in the way of whatever’s coming from Hana.

“Not this time. Unless you weren’t serious about that massage,” she says.

“My hands on your body? How could I turn down an opportunity like that?” I ask, feeling my loins swell again.

It doesn’t take much with Hana, and I haven’t decided if it’s a good or bad thing yet.

Victor lets out a verbal ha at my flirtation. Again, I fend him off with a dismissive wave of the hand.

“You can’t. My body needs it.” Her tone turns sultry, and it makes me gulp nervously.

“My hands or the massage?”

“What if I said both?” Then she giggles with mischievous delight.

“Then it’s a date. I’ll be sure to bring the appropriate oils and⁠—”

“Don’t finish that sentence. Leave some of it to mystery.”

I wasn’t going to say anything naughty, but the way she ended her phrase leads me to believe she wants it to be. Well, better have more than massage oils handy then.

What Hana wants, Hana gets.

“Do me a favor and leave your number with my secretary. I’m in a bit of a rush, but I’ll text you the details of our…” I trail off and face my brothers. They’ve taken a seat on my double-length sofa, and they’re flicking through a stack of records I keep in the office for me time.

“Got it. You go get them, tiger.” She growls at the end of her sentence, but it quickly becomes a tamed purr that makes me want to crawl out of my suit.

God, this woman is something else.

She hangs up the phone, and I turn to Vaughn. “Well, aren’t you looking dapper in your monkey suit? If you cut your hair, I might’ve thought you were a real part of this company.”

He scowls at me and opens his mouth to retaliate, but Victor jumps in first. “Haven’t you heard? Our little boy is part of the company. It’s his first day.”

“Of course, I heard. It’s not every day you get to see a caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly. But I think it’s time you two spread your wings and flew the hell out of here.” I gesture with my head toward the door. I’m not fully serious. They can stay here as long as they like, but I have to get going.

“Not until we’ve spoken about dinner.” Victor stands, and Vaughn joins him. “Tonight. The Baron Steakhouse. The Valentine boys painting the town red.”

“You were here the whole time.” I look around my desk to make sure I didn’t somehow slip through a wormhole to some different reality. “I’ve got a date, and it’s not with you two.”

Victor smiles while Vaughn’s face sinks.

“Something about this is oddly familiar,” Victor says, but his smile only grows wider.

“Bad timing for one while the other has some fun?” I ask. Not too long ago, he dropped me for a celebration in favor of taking his now-wife to dinner.

If luck’s on my side, I might find myself in a similar position with Vaughn sometime soon.

“All right, well, fine,” Vaughn says, “but you owe me.”

“And I’ll pay it back in spades once you’ve survived a month without crying to Mom that it’s way too hard.” I wink at him while his face grows increasingly red with annoyance.

Little brothers. Always happy to give, but never to receive a good teasing.

“But I’ve gotta get out of here.” I grab a few things off my desk for my meeting and start walking to the door. Both follow me out.

Onto the slog of my day, at least I have something to look forward to once it’s all done.


