Her Possessive Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17048 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 85(@200wpm)___ 68(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

“I accept.” Mary-Beth catches me totally off guard. For a brief second, shell-shocked and stunned at my own inability to stay in control of myself, I forgot she was here.

My attention snaps back to her. “Why wouldn’t you?”

“I could think of a few reasons.” She rolls her eyes. “It’s good to see you again, Vance.”

“And you,” I say, trying not to let my cheeks flush with the astonishment of seeing a real-life angel fluttering through a day spa.

We hug, though I’m sure she regrets it instantly as my soaked clothes drench the front of hers. Then she’s off, back to the normal day-to-day mundanity of life.

I, on the other hand, have a date with destiny.

As luck would have it, she just sat down in front of my mom.



“You must tell me your secret, dear,” Veronica Valentine says, nibbling on the corner of a homemade tartlet.

I’m so engrossed by the giant on the far end of my day spa that her words fly completely over my head.

“Excuse me?” I struggle to pull my eyes away from the enormous beast of a man dressed in his all-black suit, even after the tiny woman in front of him pulled him in for a … I’m not really sure what. If it was a kiss, it sure was an awkward one.

Oh, goodness, I’m doing it again, aren’t I? Fawning over a man I don’t stand a chance with and feeling the rumbling pang of jealousy grabbing hold of my senses. But it’s not every day someone like him enters the Hanging Gardens, with his cool charm, dapper elegance, and⁠—

Breathe, Hana. I remind myself.

“I was just saying, you have to tell me how you get these so perfect,” Veronica continues, unbothered and unaware of my inner turmoil. Probably for the best. I couldn’t bear the embarrassment of her knowing. “Moist and fluffy, but still with a satisfying crunch. They’re scrumptious.”

“I’d tell you the secret if I knew it, Mrs. Valentine.” I force a chuckle, doing my best to keep my eyes level with my guest rather than turning back to the giant in my lobby, wreaking havoc on my brain. “I’m terrible in the kitchen, so I leave it to the professionals.”

Veronica snorts a laugh and sets the remainder of her tartlet on the small dish in front of her. “Very wise. If only I knew you thirty years ago, I could’ve learned a lot to temper my ambitions.”

“Why try and do a thousand things when you’re really good at one?” I shift my gaze toward him again.

One more look, and then I’ll stop. For all I know, it’s the last time I’ll ever see him.

Better make the best of it while he’s around.

I catch the pair in the middle of a hug. It’s short, with her wrapping both arms around him while he gives her a pat on the back, and then it’s done.

Not the sort of thing lovers would do.

But that shouldn’t be the thing on my mind. God, I don’t even know the guy, and in a spa full of beautiful women, he could be heading over to any of them next.

Instead, he’s coming over to us.

Wait! He’s coming over to us? Oh, shit. Have I done something to piss someone off? Otherwise, there’s no other reason a well-dressed man would storm directly toward me.

And still, I’m not sure if the tingles running up my spine are because he’s nearing or I might be in trouble.

“Ah, here he is now,” Veronica coos as the beast approaches.

I turn toward whoever she’s speaking about and see him. With shimmering gold eyes lingering over me, drinking me in, and amplifying my nerves.

Holy shit, it’s like I’ve never caught a man’s attention before. And maybe, until now, I haven’t. Not really. All the others were practice runs for the real deal.

And Mr. Valentine sure is the realest of deals.

“Hana, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Vance.” Veronica stands when he gets to the table. “Vance, this is Hana. Owner and manager of the Hanging Gardens, and also a dear friend of mine.”

“Hel—” He chokes on the start of his word and shakes his head before trying again. “It’s a pleasure, Hana.”

“It is.” I stand and offer him my hand. He takes it and shakes it, but when it’s time to let go, I can feel how little he wants to.

“I hate to interrupt you two, but Ma, we’ve gotta run.” Vance shrugs, and a massive sigh tears out of him.

“Nonsense.” Veronica flicks her hand to send his words away. “Hana has prepared us a banquet.” She gestures over the table where various tarts, cakes, and other pastries wait to be eaten. “And she made some exotic tea from … where was it, hon?”

“Japan.” I peel my eyes off the enormous slab of man and reach for the teapot. The ornate design doesn’t do much in the way of showing the black tea blend inside, but I feel the need to do something with my hands.


