Her Jealous Valentine – Project Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17267 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 86(@200wpm)___ 69(@250wpm)___ 58(@300wpm)

“Hey, Olivia.” Dr. Sinclair peeks her head out of the door leading to her office. “How’s the rest of my afternoon looking?”

“Let me check,” I say, opening the calendar on my laptop and scanning the entries between now and 6 PM. “Looks like you have two appointments, both after four.”

“Think it’ll be possible to reschedule them until tomorrow? I have a few personal errands to run, and they can’t wait.” Dr. Sinclair rarely takes any time off, so if she’s asking to move these appointments, it has to be serious. But she’s smiling, at least, so maybe they aren’t as bad as my initial thoughts led me to believe.

“One is a check-up, and the other is a first consult. I’m sure they won’t mind.” I grab the telephone receiver on my desk and dial the first number.

While I make the two calls, Dr. Sinclair disappears back behind the door and emerges twenty minutes later with a fresh application of makeup, including bright red lipstick I’ve never seen her wear before.

Personal errands, huh? You’re not fooling me, looking like that, Doc.

“Okay, all set. And please don’t feel obligated to stay,” Dr. Sinclair says as she walks to the door. “Take the rest of the day off and go spend it with that man of yours.”

I giggle since my suspicions lean toward her doing the same.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a few more things I need to finish around here anyway.” My eyes drift to the stack of paperwork I’ve been putting off since this morning. “And anyway, he’s working. Don’t know what I’d do with myself until he got home.”

“Young love. There’s nothing quite as sweet, is there?” She gives me an affectionate nod and disappears out the front door.

I spend the next few hours slogging through patient files and doing other admin tasks. Dr. Sinclair tends to write most of her notes by hand, and part of my job is scouring her files for the most important ones and adding them to the patient database on the computer. It isn’t a hard job, but it isn’t fun or rewarding either.

I can’t complain much. She pays me a very decent wage to run her front desk, and the work environment is more than comfortable.

But as the day nears its end, my phone’s screen lights up, and I hear the chirpy tone of a text message coming through. It’s Victor, of course, and my heartbeat instantly quickens on seeing his name:

Victor: Will I see you tonight?

Over the last few days, our normal has become spending nights at either my or Victor’s apartment, and our days are spent texting between work. I almost feel like a naughty teenager again, neglecting work and loving the thrill and excitement that comes with not getting enough of a first crush.

Victor: Scratch that. You don’t have a choice.

I finish typing the last note I was working on into the computer before responding.

Me: You’re my ride. Can’t really say no, can I?

Not that I ever would, but Victor has insisted on driving me to work every morning. Part of me wonders if it’s because he wants to see me again in the evenings once we’re done. I can’t very well decline a ride when my car’s parked in his underground garage, can I?

Victor: I’m leaving now. I’ll be there in twenty.

My eyes drift to the clock hanging from the wall. It’s 4:30. Victor must be eager if he isn’t even finishing a full day at the office.

Getting back to what I was busy with, I almost jump when a knock comes at the door. It isn’t like Victor to knock before entering, but knowing him, he’s probably carrying a thousand trinkets and can’t reach for the handle.

“Coming.” I launch out of my chair, nearly running to the door.

Gosh, he brings out the best in me. The thought of seeing his face makes me giddy and takes such a firm hold over my body that I can’t stop myself from sprinting to his side like a puppy chasing its master.

When I pull the door open, expecting to have my man’s chest at eye level, a cold spike of fear stabs into my heart. Instead of Victor waiting with arms open and ready to receive me, it’s Adam, a shoulder awkwardly slumped onto the wall next to him, trying to look cool.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Right. I guess we’re going straight for aggressive, then. It’s for the best. Maybe this time, my rejection will actually penetrate his thick skull.

“I came here to see you.” His brow furrows, confused, as if his being here is something I want. “Look, Livvy⁠—”

“Don’t call me that.” I try to slam the door in his face, but Adam sends his foot forward and blocks it from shutting.

“I know what you’re doing, you know?” He pushes himself off the wall and takes a step forward, breaching the doorway. If nothing else, I can nail him with a trespassing charge.


