Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

A few other girls came back to campus early, their mouths were half-open as the guys walked past them. Our new room was at the end of a hallway, so we were close to an entrance and exit, and it was on the first floor. It was a double win to me. I could sneak out through the window if I really needed to.

Then the floor’s advisor showed up, a clipboard in hand, and a scowl permanently etched on her face. Or she was trying to scowl. Shay introduced himself, and the team followed suit. She was fumbling for words by the end and just handed us a sheet of the rules, saying, “Read that. Follow it to the letter. I’m strict.” She looked back to Shay, blushed, and left the room. The back of her neck was red.

Linde laughed, clapping Shay on the shoulder. “Still got that magic.”

Shay grunted. “I should. One more year of football glory and we’re all adults.”

Gage shuddered, traipsing past him with his roommates in tow. “Dude. You don’t say it. We all don’t need to be depressed.”

“That’s right.” One of his roommates clapped him on the shoulders. “We got tonight to be the epitome of immaturity still. Where’s the party?”

Gage stopped right before disappearing back into the hallway. He pointed to me. “You good?”

I nodded. I was putting away my clothes. It was the only thing I brought up that had to be put away.

That wasn’t completely true.

We were using Casey and Kristina’s couch, their microwave, but they had a small television before. I insisted on bringing mine, which was already set up.

Once Gage left with his roommates, the team began to trickle out.

Shay came over. “I can help put some of this away.” He held up a bra, a twinkle in his eyes as he stuffed it in the drawer. He only touched the bras, underwear, and sexy shirts. He gave me a few of them as a Christmas present. Once my clothes were put away, the only things left were my books. They were left in a pile on my desk, but Shay had other things on his mind.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Can we take a break?”

I leaned back, looking up at him. I felt a matching grin coming to my face. We both knew what he wanted to do for his break. “It’s my first night with my roommates.”

“And we’re going to Shay’s,” Casey said, coming into the main room from the solitary bedroom it was attached to. Our dorm consisted of two rooms. One with some closets, all of the desks, and the main living area. The second room held the rest of our closets and the beds. Casey and Kristina had been in there helping the guys get the beds all put together. I wasn’t sure which was mine, but it didn’t really matter. I’d sleep wherever.

I asked, “Shay’s?”

Shay’s hand moved to my waist, but he was still pressed up against me.

“Yeah.” She picked up one of her books and put it on the shelf above her desk. “They’re having people over for beer and pizza. He didn’t tell you?” She nodded to the boyfriend behind me.


Shay barked out a laugh, his fingers flexing against my skin. “I didn’t know myself, but the guys might’ve talked about it and I might not have been listening.” He kissed my neck and murmured into my ear, “We can leave early.”

I suppressed one of those addictive shivers. “You guys are heading there soon?”

Kristina was still in the bedroom, but Casey waved at me. “Go. Make sweet, sweet love to your man. I have a car up here now, so we’ll be over in an hour or two.”

Shay didn’t waste time. He caught my hand and led the way out. A few girls were coming in through the back door, and one gasped at the sight of Shay. Her eyes went wide, and her hand jumped to cover her mouth. Two of her friends paused, and one asked as we passed and headed out, “Who was that?”

“That was Sha—”

The door closed behind us.

Shay glanced to me, but I just shook my head. He was sporting a smirk. I didn’t need to let his head grow any bigger than it was. “Keep walking, Hard-On.”

He barked out a laugh and tightened his hold on me.

We went to his house, but Linde and a group of people I didn’t know were on the back patio. They all wanted to say hello to Shay. He went round the table, fisting those who held their closed fists up, saying hello to some of the others, and hugging a few girls. The girls initiated the hug, not Shay, but I knew he couldn’t reject them. I understood. This was part of his life. He was already popular when I met him. Nothing changed over the year, except us. He was still the big man on campus, and it wasn’t because he threw his weight around. He just was.


