Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“Less and less.” I was focused on his lips, licking my own.

He looked up and laughed softly. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” He smoothed some hair back from my forehead and I closed my eyes, savoring the small touch. I reached up, sliding my fingers through his own. “You know, you had a pretty great game today.”

“You’re the one with the hurt hand.”

“Which was my choice. I knew it’d hurt when I hit him.” A different thought came to me. “You think I could get in trouble for that?”

“I highly doubt anyone would corroborate his side.” His gaze dropped to my lips and stayed. He murmured, huskily, “He can try to bring a case against a girl who was recently attacked on campus, especially with his participation in your friend’s rape.”

That reassured me. I grinned. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.”

He stood, ducking into the bathroom. I heard him rummaging through the cabinets and he came back. He handed me a pill before grabbing a water bottle from his desk. He opened it, handing that over, too. “That’s a painkiller. You should take it now or your hand is going to be killing you later.”

I swallowed it and then handed him the bottle, which he set on the dresser for me.

Instead of coming back to join me on the bed, he stood and looked at me. The hunger was full force in his eyes. It was growing the more he gazed at me. I felt an answering ache forming between my legs. Biting down on my lip, I said, “We seem to have a situation here.”



His head cocked to the side, watching me, and that hunger was positively emanating from him, but he didn’t move to me. He stayed there, even crossing his arms over his chest. I let out a small groan. Good God, he looked good.

I felt like I should point out, “You have an entire party going on down there, and they’re mainly here for you.”


“But we’re up here, and I’m starting not to want to return to the party.”

He moved closer. “How’s that hand of yours?”

“Getting better.” I tipped my head back, gazing up at him as he loomed over me. I almost groaned. “Getting better and better.”

His hand touched the bed beside me, a knowing smirk in his eyes. “Yeah?”

I started to repeat what I said earlier, but his hand slid under my leg and I stopped on a gasp. The feel of him sent shivers through me, blasting my insides, and I bit down on my lip, groaning. His fingers tightened their hold, and his other hand slid under me. He moved me farther up in the bed, following behind and kneeling over me.

I let out a soft sigh. Hunger licked my insides, fanning the flame that only leapt for him. Running a hand down his chest, my fingers felt and lingered over every dip between his muscles. He really was so gorgeous.

It wasn’t that I forgot.

It was that he became better looking to me every day. It was startling some days, and when others reacted to him, I remembered it wasn’t just me. But he was mine, and I started grinning, thinking about how that came about.

“What are you laughing at?” His lips were almost on mine.

I curled a hand around his neck, falling down to the pillow and pulling him with me. His body came down, half-resting on me, and his lips instead moved to my shoulder. He grazed a kiss there, his hand sliding under my shirt and pushing it up as he sought out my breast. I almost groaned again when he cupped one of them, moving the bra out of his way, and his thumb began to rub over my nipple.

“I’m laughing at how much I hated you in the beginning.”

He sat up, his mouth moving over my shoulder to my neck. He trailed kisses down to my throat.

I raked my fingers through his hair, half-holding him there, and half-wanting to pull him up to my lips. I waited, my breaths becoming increasingly shallower and shallower.

“I don’t even know why I hated you.”

He stopped, lifting his head. He was so close, a whisper away, and I wanted to touch my lips to his so badly it was almost a physical pain. I still didn’t. I still held off.

“I think you hated me because—”

He cut himself off, and my eyes almost bulged out. I caught the sides of his face in my hands. “You can’t stop there. Finish what you were going to say.”

He shook his head, raising himself up again so he was almost towering over me. “It’s nothing.” He bent and his lips caught mine.


“No. I want to know.”

He didn’t answer, just opening his mouth and his kisses grew more demanding. His tongue slid inside, and as he began to take over, I was barely conscious of him pulling my shirt up until he paused. I moved back so he could pull it the rest of the way and over my head, then he was back. His lips fused with mine, and he worked at my bra. He slowed down, letting the bra straps slide down my arms and acting as a caress.


