Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

They shared another look, small grins starting on their faces.

“Because that must be the only reason a girl would come up to you. It isn’t like they’d find you disgusting or reprehensible or a small hick coward and then have the balls to tell you.” I whispered, leaning forward, “Do the girls you know not tell you the truth? Are they scared of you?” I raised my voice to normal levels again. “You can tell me. Do they only tell you if you were ‘good’?” I winked at Asshole One. “Or maybe you guys are only used to chicks if they’re in either two categories. If they’re ripping their clothes off for you, begging for it.” I glanced down at the front of his jeans, grimaced, and then looked back up. “Or they’re pissed because, well, you guys must’ve not satisfied them. Right? It’s either of those two? But no. Wait. It’s the girl’s fault. Right? It’s never your fault. It isn’t like you’d never ‘not perform.’ Right?”

Asshole Two shook his head, spreading his hands out. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Exactly.” Acid dripped from my voice. I clapped my hands together, holding them in front of me. “Here’s the thing. I’m insulting you. I am being sarcastic, and I’m mocking you guys to your face, and you don’t even know it. And as I’m doing it, you have no idea how to deal with me because I’m smiling and I’m talking like I’m going to bake you fucking cookies. The truth is that if I ever did that, I’d put rat poison in them.”

I finished, but with a bright cheery smile, and then I waited.

I didn’t wait long.

Asshole One charged me.

Casey screamed.

There were other shouts around me.

I didn’t pay attention to Asshole Two. He didn’t seem to have the abusive balls, but Asshole One did, and I grabbed ’em. Literally.

He ran for me, and I caught his dick in my hand. He jerked to a stop, a choke gurgling from him, and then I squeezed.

“AH!” He started screaming, trying to dislodge my hand.

“Holy fuck,” someone said behind us.

Fun time was over. I wasn’t nice anymore. I wasn’t being sarcastic any longer. I squeezed again, and his entire body shuddered under my hold.

I clipped out, “You’re going to fucking swing at me? You’re going to hit me? You’re going to shove me to the ground? What were you going to do? Huh?” My voice rose until I was outright yelling.

He couldn’t talk. His face was turning blue.

“Look at that.” I pointed to his face with my free hand. “Blue face, instead of blue balls. But assholes like you don’t even get how funny that is because a chick gives you blue balls, too. And here I am, going above and beyond. I’m probably the best you’ve had, right? I gave you blue face. It’s a new thing. No one’s experienced this before.” Okay. The sarcasm was back, but it was definitely still dripping with anger.


I didn’t know who said that, and I didn’t care. I was focused on this asshole as I dropped my voice into a hissing whisper only he could hear. “You must be wondering what kind of deranged chick has your dick in her hand? I must be crazy, right?” Fuck. Maybe I was. “You know what makes me crazy? The fact that you’ve heard what happened to my friend, but instead of looking at how she could’ve been your sister, your girlfriend, even your mother, you walk past her and look at her like she’s a whore.” My fingers sank harder around him, and I was enjoying his curdling screams. “She isn’t a whore. She’s a victim, and you victimized her a second time. So how does it feel? Because I grabbed you against your will. Are you enjoying it?”

His screams answered me. I still wasn’t done. “And want to know what the most fun part of this whole thing is? I have a defense. You. Rushed. Me. First. You came at me like you were going to hit me, a girl, someone you’ll never be able to call a whore. Aren’t you so glad you ran into me? Aren’t you?”

I bit out the last part, and I seriously wanted to rip his dick off. If I could’ve, and if I could’ve not gone to jail for it, it would’ve been moved to my highest priority of the day. Rip a cowardly asshole’s dick off. I’d love to be able to cross that off my list. Done deal. But I couldn’t, because I had to be a better person than him, though I couldn’t think why at that moment.

I was still squeezing.

I wasn’t sure if I could let go, until an arm wrapped around my waist and I was lifted away.

“Hey!” I yelled.

The person ignored me, dropping me back on my feet. I started forward, but they clamped their hand on my arms, holding me back in an ironclad grasp.


