Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

Mary never came home last night, and she ignored every single text and phone call from me. The only solace I found came at almost midnight when Clay texted me and told me she was at his and Giana’s place. I’d sucked in a breath of relief so fierce I’d nearly collapsed.

But even though I knew she was safe, I still couldn’t sleep.

Because safe or not, I’d lost her all the same.

Every time I thought the words, my stomach would roll so violently I nearly puked. Then, I’d immediately shove the thought down, suffocating it before it had the chance to invade my brain again.

I didn’t lose her.

I couldn’t lose her.

My chest was on fire all night and well into the morning, even as I got myself ready for the day. All I could see was Mary’s eyes when I realized what I’d done, the way she looked at me like I’d just proven every doubt she had about me correct.

And I guessed I had.

I didn’t think about it from her perspective until it was too late. Hell, I didn’t think about it at all. It was disrespectful to step in like some big bad motherfucker when she’d already told me she’d handled it. It didn’t make anything better when I clocked that stupid bicho in the mouth. It didn’t even make me feel better. All it did was piss me off more because he stood right back up, and then, he hurt Mary even more.

Because of me.

And to add more shit to the pile, Nero had me by the balls, too. If he went to the police, if he pressed charges… my career would be snuffed out before the flame had the chance to catch.

There was a bottomless pit of doom in my stomach with so much uncertainty. I didn’t know if Nero really wouldn’t press charges or if I’d walk into a media shit storm at the stadium. I didn’t know if Mary meant leave me alone as in for the night or forever.

It couldn’t be forever.

I convinced myself that somehow it would all be okay as I dragged my ass to practice. Despite how dead I felt inside, how hard it was to breathe not knowing where I stood with Mary, I managed to put it all away and show up for my team. I balled out at practice, and to everyone on that field, I was just fine. I was better than fine. I was on fire.

Everyone, that was, except for Clay, Zeke, Riley, and my roommates.

They all watched me like a bomb that would detonate with one wrong step.

When practice was wrapped and we were in the locker room, they cornered me.

“What the hell happened?” Riley demanded in a hushed voice. “Why are your knuckles scabbing and why did Mary sleep on Clay’s couch last night?”

I filled them in as emotionlessly as I could, locking everything down because otherwise I knew I’d fall apart right then and there. And as a leader, as their captain — I couldn’t do that in front of my team.

By the time I finished, they were all silent, their brows pinched together.

“Shit,” Zeke said.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

No one had time to offer a word of advice before Coach Lee’s voice boomed through the room.

“Hernandez,” he said, and all eyes whipped to where he was standing in the doorway of his office. He tilted his head toward it with his lips pressed into a hard line.


I closed the door behind me once I dipped into his office, and when I sat down across from him, we both sat there silent. Coach finally let out a frustrated breath and said, “We both know why we’re here, so let’s not fuck around.”

I nodded solemnly. “How bad is it?”

“Fortunately for you, it should stay out of the press. The guy came here threatening to press charges or go to the news, but we had… help,” he said carefully. “From some alumni who were eager to rectify the situation and keep you on the team.”

I squeezed my eyes closed, cramping at even the thought of someone handing over their hard-earned money to save my ass. I also wasn’t an idiot. I knew that probably wasn’t exactly illegal, but was also likely very frowned upon.

“Giana did a quick scrub this morning. She said there’s not even a whisper of it, so we should be fine. We had him sign an NDA once both parties were satisfied.”

“And my parents?”

“You get the honor of telling them.”

The way he said it, I knew there wasn’t a choice to not tell them. Either I could, or he would if I took too long. I swallowed at the thought of telling my father, who would no doubt scold my ass for risking my career. But Mom?

She’d be heartbroken.

That was worse than any screaming Dad could do.


