Guarding What’s Mine (Men of Maddox Security #3) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors: Series: Men of Maddox Security Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 78603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 393(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

In the elevator, she finally breaks the silence. “I’m sorry I dragged you into all this. I know it’s your job, but—”

I hold up a hand. “Stop. You didn’t drag me anywhere. This is exactly what I signed up for when I joined Maddox Security—protecting people who need it.”

Her eyes shimmer with unshed tears, but she nods. The elevator dings, and we find our room at the end of the hall. I insert the key card and push the door open, scanning the interior. It’s a standard hotel room, with only one bed. Not that it catches me by surprise, because after everything I’m sure Aubree will be asking to stay in my bed.

Where she belongs. It’s crazy how possessive I’ve become over her, and I’ve only known her for a few short days.

I check the closet, the bathroom, even glance under the beds. Old habits die hard. Then I lock the door behind us, flipping the deadbolt and setting the chain.

Aubree sets her bag down, looking exhausted but unable to relax. She hovers near the edge of the bed, shoulders hunched, arms wrapped around herself. “Boone…” she says softly. “What if—what if that person follows us here?”

I swallow hard, remembering the moment at the cabin, how close we came to crossing a line that could’ve jeopardized her safety. If I had been a second slower, if I’d been too distracted… “We’ll handle it,” I say firmly. “Nobody’s getting through me to you.”

The vow in my voice seems to calm her a bit. She nods, then sinks down on the mattress, her eyes heavy. She’s still wearing her hoodie and jeans, and I realize she’s too spent to change or even fuss about the bed. Carefully, I step forward, kneel down, and tug her shoes off. Her eyes flutter closed, and a moment later, she’s drifting in that space between awake and asleep.

I stand, moving to the other side of the bed. My heart thumps as I remember how her body felt beneath me, the softness of her lips, the taste of her breath. It’s crazy, wanting her in the middle of all this chaos. But I do. I want her fiercely, more than I’ve wanted anything in a long while.

Yet the memory of that quiet noise outside the cabin, the jolt of realizing we were vulnerable, keeps replaying in my mind. If someone had ambushed us while I was tangled up with her… the outcome could’ve been disastrous. I clench my fists, anger sparking at the unknown threat. My entire body coils with tension at the idea of failing her, letting her get hurt on my watch.

No. Her safety is my top priority, no matter how badly I crave the feel of her. If I can’t stay focused on that, I have no business calling myself a protector.

Drawing in a steadying breath, I turn off the overhead light, leaving only a small lamp on. The hotel room is cast in shadows, but it’s enough to see if something happens. I set my gun within arm’s reach on the nightstand. Tomorrow, I’ll call my contacts at Maddox Security, update them, see if we can get more intel on whoever’s tailing Aubree. Tonight, though, we’re just two exhausted souls in a cheap motel, hoping for a few hours of peace.

I glance over at Aubree again. She’s already asleep, her breathing slow and even. In slumber, the lines of worry smoothed from her face, she looks so vulnerable. A fresh bolt of protectiveness surges through me.

I check my phone—one message from Ranger asking for a status update, another from the Maddox office. I shoot back a quick text: “We’ve relocated to a safe location for the night. Will advise in the morning.” Then I silence my phone, because the last thing I need is a ringtone waking Aubree and sending her heart skittering all over again.

Finally, I ease back against the pillows on the bed. My body is wired, my mind spinning with scenarios: vantage points, escape routes, possible suspects. But the strongest thread weaving through it all is the memory of her trembling mouth beneath mine, the way she clung to me with such trust.

God fucking help me, I’m in trouble here—caught between my duty and a desire that could jeopardize everything. But there’s no turning back. If protecting Aubree means locking down every last one of my own urges, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Because the only thing worse than not having her… would be losing her altogether.

Outside, a car rumbles into the parking lot, headlights illuminating our curtains for a split second before fading away. I force my eyes to stay open a moment longer, scanning the corners of the room out of habit. Slowly, exhaustion seeps in. My muscles ache, my mind is heavy with worry.

Still, I remind myself I don’t get to truly rest. Not until we’re sure she’s out of harm’s way. Until I know for a fact that we’re no longer the hunted in this twisted game.


