Gossamer in the Darkness – Fantasyland Read Online Kristen Ashley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 90426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 452(@200wpm)___ 362(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

A muted, tasteful cheer broke out.

And we all drank.





Chapter Twenty-One

Days Were Numbered


Oh my gods.

I needed him to fuck me.

“Baby,” I gasped.

I was so into it, I could say no more, like, Slam that gorgeous, big cock of yours IN ME.

I was in a state.

I was also on my knees in Loren’s bed, Loren behind me on his, that big, thick dick of his hard and pressing into my backside. He had one of his hands at my breast, pinching and squeezing my nipple. The other was between my legs, doing things to my clit that honestly were so decadent, they should be illegal.

But no matter how I moved my hips, how desperately I rubbed my ass against his cock, he refused to come inside.

Even with his fingers.

“I think I need you inside,” I whimpered.

He growled into my neck.

Oh yes.

But then he said in my ear, “I’m not taking your maidenhead with my fingers.”

I grew immobile and blinked at his cobalt damask wallpapered wall.


He nipped my ear.

I shivered as he said, “My love, I’ll accept your virtue, what’s left of it, when I have no more pain. I’m loath to admit I have it, but I do. And I want it all to be about you and me and our coupling when that time comes.”

My virtue?

His fingers rolled.

My mind blanked, I moaned, and my head fell back to his shoulder.

Totally freaking should-be-illegal.

“Do you need me to eat you?” he offered into my ear.

At these words, I gasped again, but this time a shudder came after it because I was coming.

He had an arm around my chest, one around my ribs, and he was nuzzling my neck, when it left me.

“Are you all right?” he murmured.

“Yes,” I pushed out, and I so was.

“I thought you wouldn’t stop trembling, and moaning, I was growing alarmed,” he teased.

Why was cocky so hot?

“Smug. Bluh,” I mumbled.

“Mm,” he purred into my skin, and at the sound and feel, my nipples, achingly hard, got harder. “If I can do that with my fingers, I wonder how you’ll respond when you have my cock.”

Which, of course, brought crashing back to mind the “virtue” situation he’d mentioned before he blanked my mind with an all-encompassing orgasm.



Oh hell.

He thought I was a virgin.

Of course he would, considering I’d been secluded in the countryside of Fleuridia since I was six, not allowed any friends or acquaintances until my father came and forced me to fake being my sister.

How could I get laid if that was the case?


This begged the question, how did he think I got good at giving blowjobs if I’d never done it before?

Which brought to mind…

“Do you want me to…what I did this morning—?”

I didn’t finish because he fell to his back, pulled me down to his side, and used his hand at my jaw to turn my face to him.

Quietly, studying me closely—no doubt, I would find, when he said what he said next, in order to ascertain my reaction, assess if he was pushing too fast, not wishing to take the virgin to a place she was uncomfortable—he shared, “No, my love. I want you to watch me do it. We shall see, but I suspect it will prime you to straddle my mouth.”

I whimpered again.

He grinned wickedly and murmured, “That answers that.”

Yes, he was being careful with me.

Due to my “virtue.”


He lifted his head, touched his mouth to mine, fell back to the pillows, and ordered, “Watch.”

I had no choice.

Because presently, he pulled us both up so he was resting against the headboard, and I couldn’t not stare at him jacking his big, beautiful dick until he came all over his belly.

Seriously, he was totally and completely a sex god.

He didn’t even clean up before he was down again on his back in the bed, and he had to give barely any guidance with his hands before I was swinging a leg over his head in order to ride his face.

And serious to all the gods in two universes, he was good at that.

He left me, drained from two huge orgasms, full of champagne, wine and the best meal I’d ever consumed, in his bed in order to go to his dressing room and clean himself up.

He blew the lamps out on his way back and joined me in bed.

Gathering me close, drowsily, I called, “Loren.”

“I have come to the conclusion, my love, that the trials we both faced to be in this bed together were the tribulations we needed to pay to earn what we have right now, and the beauty we will build for our future.”

I closed my eyes tight.

But he wasn’t done gutting me.

“And as such, I’d do it again, Satrine. All of it. Again and again.” He squeezed me tight. Tighter than was comfortable. It was sheer beauty. “If this is where it leads me.”


