Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

My hand fell away, and our mouths attacked each other again. His hand went to my hair. He pulled hard and my orgasm slammed into me, taking me by surprise as I came in my jeans. Carter was right behind me, calling my name as he blew his load too.

Who was I, when I was with him?

Why the fuck did I like this person so much?

“Julian is a fucking idiot,” he said, breathing heavily. It was the perfect thing to say, and I smiled as I kissed him again. “Come on. Let’s get cleaned up.”

Carter got off my lap and tugged me to my feet. When we got to his room, he threw a pair of mesh shorts at me, and then we each went to a different bathroom. I finished before he did and went back to the living room. I put the ice cream in the freezer, then sat back on the couch, unsure what to do from there.

“Wanna watch a movie or something?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure.”

He put on a movie about killer alligators, turned off the lights, and we sat on the couch together. It wasn’t long before I was lying on my back with Carter on top of me, my hand making the journey up and down his back. “I’m scared of this,” I admitted.

“I am too,” he replied softly.

“What kind of music do you like?” I asked, neither of us really watching the movie. We always talked about shit like Julian and his mom. I wanted to get to know Carter.

“Oh, pop all the way. Give me some TSwift or Katy Perry, and I’m happy as a clam. But I can go old school with some Madonna or Cher too. You?”

“I like rock mostly, and I’m obsessed with nineties music.”

And that’s what we did. I didn’t know how long we lay there talking. The movie ended, and we kept going. The room was dark, and we couldn’t see each other anymore. Eventually the talking slowed, and I realized Carter had fallen asleep.

I took my glasses off, set them on the coffee table, and smiled into the dark before going to sleep too.



“Have you ever thought your eyeballs might pop out while you were coming?” I asked.

Elliott choked on his coffee. At a table in a café not far from my place, he sat across from me, eyeing me peculiarly as Serena said, “Oh, those were the days…”

“Who was this, you naughty starlet?” I asked her.

Elliott had scheduled a few additional days in Fever Falls after his meeting with Hacksmore, in an attempt to take a break from the hustle and bustle of his life back in Los Angeles. But really, I figured he also wanted to spend more time with me and Dax. Yes, we were coworkers, but through our years together, we’d become friends…or as much as one could be friends with their bosses.

“Dax’s father,” Serena confessed as she cut the country-fried steak she’d ordered for breakfast.

“Ew,” Elliott said, moving his hands to his head like he was going to cover his ears. “I do not need to be hearing this.”

“Really?” I asked. “Because I suddenly want all the deets.”

“He had this yacht we’d take out in Cancun, where we’d spend days and nights lost in each other’s gazes and…well, everything else. Not many people knew it, but he sang and played guitar, and the guitar wasn’t the only thing he knew how to play. Oh, what he could do to me.”

Her face flushed red, and she shivered right beside me, rolling her head back as though she were channeling one of the instances she was referring to.

“One time it was so intense, I thought I was going to die. That I wouldn’t be able to catch my breath or that my muscles might spasm so hard, I’d snap my own neck. But I knew it would have been an amazing death.” Serena beamed. “One day I plan to write a novel about our love affair. Something very Jackie Collins…or who’s the new one? E.L. James. Yes, Warren was my Christian Grey—him and heroin, really.”

“Yeah, surely the drugs and nostalgia are playing some small part in your fond memory of him,” Elliott added, being serious as always.

Serena smiled right on. “Warren used to call it my naughty button, because it only took a touch, a caress, to get me going. Sometimes I wonder if Dax is the same way…but in his…” She shifted her head back to indicate what I could only assume was his ass. “Oh, I imagine Jace rides him like some man-beast and makes my little baby squeal like a gazelle being ripped to shreds by a lion.”

If Elliott’s jaw could have dropped to the table, it would have, because he was frozen in terror. “I want to gouge my eyes out.”


