Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

I messaged Sawyer: Just talked to my mom.

It was a little past ten thirty, so I figured he might be asleep. I didn’t really know what to expect, given our last exchange, but as soon as my phone started ringing, relief rushed through me.

Before I had a chance to offer a greeting, he must have heard me take a breath because he spit out, “You okay?”

Something about the concern in his tone was nice. Made me feel less alone in the moment. I supposed that kind of shit was why people had friends.

“Just working not to scream at the top of my lungs, but other than that…amazing.”

He was quiet, unusually so.

“This is going to be a strange question to ask now, but was that too soon—what we did with the video-chatting?”

“What? No. That was…perfect.”

The way he said it left no doubt that he felt just as I had about it all. “I’d ask if you were busy with work to talk much during the week, but then I feel like I’d be acting as bad as my mother.”

“Do you want to come over?” He didn’t hesitate that time.

“Is there a particular reason that hasn’t come up already?”

He was quiet again before adding, “Here, I’ll get ready and come to you.”

“No, Saw. It’s fine. I needed someone to talk to, and since you’re the one I’d been talking to about my mom, it made sense. But I’ll admit I do feel like I have a right to be confused, considering one minute I’m saving this ass just for you and the next I’m sitting on that same ass, waiting for a call that never comes.”

“I’ve texted you at least twice every day.”

He was right. I was being ridiculous.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my God. Trust me, typically, I’m not this needy. It’s just…this has been a night, and that was hard…talking to her, and hearing her asshole boyfriend on the other end. And, there’s this thing that normally happens with me and guys. We mess around, and then they move right along. So I guess now I’m a little nervous I fucked it up with one of the few people in my life I actually talk to about shit.”

God, way to not keep your cool, Carter.

Although, I didn’t really want to keep my cool with Sawyer. I liked feeling that I could let down my guard and be myself with him.

“I’ll see you in a few, Carter.”

And boy, was I fucking relieved to hear that.



I had sex with Julian for the first time, and…it wasn’t what I expected. I’m not really sure I was ready, but like he said, it’s a bit ridiculous to be a virgin at my age. It’s probably ridiculous that I still journal too.

~ Sawyer’s Journal, 19 years old.

I made a quick stop to get ice cream. I didn’t know if Carter was anything like me, but when I was sad, ice cream always helped—that and chocolate-chip cookies, but I wasn’t sure he would be in the mood to bake with me.

I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that I was a little confused by the conversation we’d just had. Not a single part of me had expected Carter to feel insecure that we hadn’t seen each other the past few days. Actually, I’d wanted to see him, or FaceTime again, but I’d been too nervous I would look clingy. He definitely didn’t seem the kind of guy who wanted someone he was screwing around with to bug him all the time, and I hadn’t wanted to be that guy. And to hear him say he’d been unsure because I hadn’t made more of an effort? It did things to my insides that I totally hadn’t expected. It made those walls I’d built so high around myself crumble even more.

It didn’t take me long to get to his apartment, which wasn’t too far from my place. Briefly, I wondered how long he would be there, if he would be going back to LA anytime soon. The thought made my gut clench up unexpectedly. From what I heard, he was renting on a month-to-month basis, since Fever Falls wasn’t technically his home.

I made my way up to his unit, and the moment I got to the door, it pulled open. Carter was wearing a pair of sweats and nothing else, making me feel a little overdressed in my jeans and polo.

“I brought ice cream.” I held the bag up and felt like a fucking dork. God, what was wrong with me when I was around him?

“I think I might love you. What kind?” he asked, and I suddenly didn’t feel like an idiot anymore.

“Coffee. I hope you like it. It’s my fave, and I wasn’t sure what you liked. Shit, I should have texted to ask. I can go back out and get something else if you want.” Ugh. Was I rambling? I was pretty sure I was rambling.


