Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“While we’re on the subject of your likes, maybe we can get more into that,” he added. “When I bit your ass, you didn’t think that was strange?”

“If that’s what strange is, then I really want you to show me stranger.”

He winced, his smile diminishing. “You clearly like it a little rougher than most.”

“I like it rough with you, and it didn’t seem like you had a problem getting a little rough with me.”

This was more a conversation I could cope with. Made me feel like I was in my element once again.

“So you’re not always like that?”

“Oh, hell no. I normally top from the bottom. That was just throwing caution to the wind, which I can do, but not typically right away with someone. Takes a certain amount of trust to do certain things.”

“What do you mean by trust?”

“The most basic sort—thinking that a guy doesn’t want to cause me any physical harm. From all the times we’ve hung out, I know you wouldn’t ever want to injure me. That made it a lot easier for me to let go and simply enjoy myself. But when I do know guys better, I don’t mind getting a little wild.”

“What kind of stuff are you talking about, then?”

“Biting, hair pulling, choking…”

“Choking. Why would you let someone choke you?”

“Because I like being choked.” His eyes were fixed on mine, as though he was trying to read my mind about something. “Didn’t you like tossing me around like a ragdoll?”

“Yeah, it felt good,” Sawyer said. “It surprised me how good it felt. I’m not used to following my instincts like that.”

“What did you like about it?”

“I’m not sure exactly… That it was wild and uninhibited? And there was something about how turned on you were getting from it that encouraged me along.”

“So you’d be interested in having some more fun like that?” I asked, far too hopeful about his response.

The intensity of his stare as he nodded told me all I needed to know.

“You’re like a kid in a candy shop,” I teased. “Which is just fine as long as I get to play the candy shop.”

He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, come on. That was cute!”

“And you thought crush was bad?”

“Shut up. That was classic Carter James ingeniousness right there.”

“If you say so.”

I savored the moment, since our conversation was heaven compared to the tension I’d been carrying around with me from the last time we’d seen each other.

“That choking thing freaked you out a little, didn’t it?” I asked.

“It was surprising to hear. Not that I haven’t seen that and thoroughly enjoyed it in porn, but I wasn’t expecting you to actually be into it.”

I glanced around the trail. “Come here.” I took his hand and led him to a nearby boulder, sneaking behind it, then turned away from him. “Put your arm around my neck. Come on. Go ahead.”

He moved close. I felt his warm body push up against me as he obeyed.

I had to admit, I was partly encouraging this because he had enjoyed getting under my skin so much that I was hoping to get him a little on edge too.

He pulled his arm against my neck.


Again, he obeyed.

The pressure, mixed with the feeling of him against my back and the way he held me close…God, it all felt so good.

“Tighter,” I said again.

The pressure was just enough, not so much that I couldn’t breathe.

I rolled my head back. “It’s that power,” I whispered. “Like you have total control over me in this moment. Like my pleasure is yours to command.”

It helped feeling safe in his hold, knowing that Sawyer was all self-control and discipline.

I pushed my ass back a bit and felt the hard-on in his pants. “You like that.”

He reached his hand around my side, feeling my hard cock as I enjoyed the sensation of his against my ass. “Seems you like it too.” He pushed his face against my neck.

As I heard him take a whiff, I closed my eyes and reveled in the moment as he bit softly against my neck.

Oh, Sawyer… There was a beast within him he wanted to unleash. I could feel it more with each encounter. I wanted it to consume me.

He relaxed his arm, and I looked over my shoulder.

“Is this how you make a man your prey?” he asked, clearly referring to my comment that had left him feeling like all this was just a game to me.

“Only if the man wants to be my prey,” I clarified. “And only if he wants me to be his.”

I wanted him to see, to understand, that in my games, there were only winners.

Some inspiration led him to nibble at my ear before I turned more and licked up his lips, then gently tugged at his bottom lip with my teeth.

He lurched forward to claim my mouth, and I yanked my head back, which took him by surprise.


