Four Always Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 58142 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 291(@200wpm)___ 233(@250wpm)___ 194(@300wpm)

“I need to get back inside. Will you wait? It’s almost closing time.”

“Of course we’ll wait,” Maddox says.

“We’ll be right here, whenever you’re ready.” Dodge has hold of Barnes’ leash. The dog apparently got bored with all of our kissing and curled up on the concrete, but now he’s up and following the guys over to a table.

Whenever I’m ready. I’m so ready for them. Ready to commit fully to them however they want me, and be with them in any way they’ll have me.

It’s only five minutes ‘til closing time, and back inside the shop, I hear Lonnie and Maddy’s voices, still in conversation in the kitchen. The holiday music station is playing an upbeat tune, and my heart swells at the reminder that Christmas is only a couple of days away. Everything suddenly seems merry and bright, indeed.

As I start to pack up the bakery in the case, Maddy pops up next to me. “Did I see the Stanton men out front?”

I nearly drop the scone I’m holding. “Oh! … Yes, they stopped by to see me.”

“Did they leave?” She looks toward the window, but can’t see them from where we are.

I shake my head. “No, they’re waiting outside for me to finish up.”

She takes the box from me. “You’re done here for tonight. Go be with your men.”

My men? I stare at her, not sure what to say.

Maddy’s mouth curls into a knowing smile. “I wondered how long it would take you five to figure things out.”

My own mouth is hanging open just a bit, and I want to ask Maddy how she knows we had things to figure out, and how she was so certain we would, but instead I just thank her, tell her I’ll see her tomorrow, and hurry out. My men are waiting, after all.


The last one

My men are waiting for me again the next afternoon.

The five of us barely got any sleep the night before, and you’d think we’d have gotten enough of each other, but as soon as I’m in the back seat with Dodge and Diesel, their hands are all over me, and they trade off kissing me in the smooth, coordinated way of twins.

When each of their hands finds their way under my skirt and between my legs, I have a hard time keeping quiet.

“At least wait until we get home,” Maddox says, looking over the seat to see what his brothers are doing. “You two are like horny dogs humping Jade’s legs.”

“Even Barnes has more self control,” Chase says.

“You’re both jealous because you lost the coin toss and have to sit up front,” Diesel says, his thumb pressing into my clit as Dodge slides a finger inside me. The two of them push my skirt higher so Maddox can see everything, and it’s the look on his face as he watches that sends me flying right to the edge, even though the twins have only just started touching me.

“Oh god, oh god!”

Dodge adds a second finger, giving me a stretch while Diesel gently pinches my clit between the tips of his fingers.

“Oh god!” Sparks fly behind my eyes as I shoot off into ecstasy for long moments of release.

As I start to come down, Dodge pushes my shirt and bra cup down far enough to get his mouth around my nipple, and my orgasm soars to another peak. The two men nuzzle my neck as I melt into them, utterly content. There’s nothing better to relax a person after work than a team-effort orgasm.

At their house, I expect Maddox and Chase to descend on me as soon as we’re inside, but instead, the four men lead me upstairs into a bedroom I’ve never been in. My eyes go immediately to a deep red velvet dress that’s hanging on a hook beside the closet.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“This is your room,” Chase says. “We’re not pressing you to move in, but the invitation still stands, and anytime you’re here, this space is just for you. A place to store your things, and somewhere to go whenever you need time away from us.”

It’s hard for me to imagine wanting to be away from them for a second after the miserable couple of weeks that have just passed, but I’m incredibly touched by their gesture. “Thank you,” I say.

“And this … is for tonight,” Maddox says, lifting the dress hanger from its hook.


“We’re taking you out to dinner,” Dodge says.


“But we still have a few hours until dinner,” Diesel says, sliding his arm around my waist.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” I turn into him, wrapping my arm around him, connecting us front to front, as Dodge moves in close behind me.

“Hang on,” Maddox says. “You two had your fun on the way here.”

“Hey, no fighting over Jade.” Chase’s tone is pure older-brother authority. “You’re going to scare her off.”


